The first poem: I can't

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  Your words run through my head 

Like a rhythm of 

A song that you can't get rid of 

The good and the bad 

The memories I need to get away 

From my own mind 

But you are always there 

Everything I do Leads to you 

I feel like a puppy 

Lost in its mother's shadow 

I can't breathe 

I can't sleep 

I can't eat 

Can't look at myself in the mirror 

Can I punch it 

Let the blood run down my fingers 

Let the cracks show 

All my imperfections 

Tired of trying 

Tired of not wanting to move out of my bed 

Cause your words are 

Whispers in the wind 

Like the leafs 

That blow silently 

Yet they cover everything 

 When they fall 

Like you cover all my thoughts 

Let it shatter 

Like you did my heart 

Let it break into pieces 

For I will never be whole again  

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