Just Like Her

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You remind me so much of Mom

She may be gone now

But when I look at you

I see her

Her smile and her eyes

Our nose shaped the same

Your voice

Soothing and quiet just like her

So kind

Just like her

Your hands are the same

I remember holding her hands

So warm

I look at you

And I see her

I hear her

People say they see her

In you

The way you turn your head

Expressions you make

I get choked up

Thinking about it

So when I want to see her

When I really miss her

I go to a mirror

And I look at myself

I see her

Her smile and her eyes

My nose shaped the same

The way I turn my head

Expressions I make

I get choked up

Thinking about it

I'm looking at myself

And I know


Just Like Her

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