The Fifth Poem: You.

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I am not mad at you

I am Happy for you

I am mad at myself

For not being good enough

For not being the one that makes you smile

You don't know

You are the reason I wake up

You are the reason I fall asleep

You are the one I think about

You are the one I smile about

You can give me the pain

Or take it away

I am mad

That I never had the strength

To tell you

Every chance I got

Now she has you

And looking at Social Media

Makes a hole in my heart

I want to punch something

I want to scream

I want to cry

I want to ask you why

You are the reason I got my hopes up

You are the reason I want to give up

You are the reason I feel this way

I am down on the ground

No one to pick me up

I want to stand but I can't find my strength

You held me up and brought me down

I feel so alone

I want to talk but I am silent

I want to be angry but I have no reason to

I want to distant myself but I can't

I need you

But I hate you

I want you

Cause I love you

But I cannot have you

Eyes hurt from crying

I feel like dying

You are the reason I wake up

You are the reason I fall asleep

You are the one I think about

You are the one I smile about

You can give me the pain

Or take it away

You are the reason I got my hopes up

You are the reason I want to give up

You are the reason I feel this way

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