Fifty-Second Poem: 182 Days

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You think you know it all

You know what I felt

You are not the only one

Left broken in this

I told you

I talked to you

I tried to make you understand

I got that you were busy

I got that you were tired

Yet days turned to months

How is that a great start?

You treated me right

I never said you didn't

I got you worked hard

I never left you alone

I only gave you space

Just to get a text

That you were upset

I only asked someone

To ask if you were okay

I'm sorry that was so wrong

I only wanted a simple text

I only wanted a simple meeting

You act

Like I wanted everything

Why am I doing this?

To you and myself?

Why am I making this harder?

I told you over and over again

Yet you didn't see the words

I wanted to

I was nervous to

Yet you were still the same

Midnight phone calls

Texting every day

Turned to texting after several hours

Nothing was the same

If I knew

If I knew the end of this

After wishing for happiness

I saw ahead

I wanted future

But I was tired of feeling alone

I was tired of being lonely

You worked yourself to the bone

I worked too

Yet I always had the time

To be sad and alone

I may have laughed

I may have smiled

You should have known

What laid behind the surface

You always said you had no time,

Yet my friend

Same schedule as you

Saw me more

All it took was effort

I'm sorry it was too much

I was patient

I gave you time!

Six months together

All I got was four times

You may have picked me up

Over and over

As I fixed my broken heart

Yet when it was your turn

You left me in the dust

Did you not see

The texts getting shorter

The cold shoulder

As days turned to weeks

Weeks turned to months

182 days

You never had the time?

You never had your phone?

You didn't call me once

When we did, it was silent

You were too tired to talk

Too late

I was asleep

I'm sorry I turned you down

I'm sorry I made you cry

I'm just sorry

I'm sorry I thought of me

I'm sorry I was tired of my heart


182 days

I was alone

I smiled

I laughed

I always texted fast

To wait

And wait

For you to finally have time

For me

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