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Nothing happened

I was sitting there

On my phone



The uncomfortable



Flared in my chest 

It felt heavy

Like a weight

Just rested on my chest

I took a deep breath in


Looking around 

Nothing had changed

I felt my heartbeat quicken

I had to leave

But i was rooted

Stuck in the swaying motion

Of the rocking chair

Deer caught in headlights

Inside i was panicking

Outside i was fine

I was cool


Hiding my feelings

Same as the years behind me

When will it change?

When will it stop?

When the car finally hits?

Will I be able to get up again?

What happens in the future?

Regretting the past

Everyone is out to get me

Nobody cares

I'm all alone

Deep breath

In and out

I am calm

The weight is lifted

The weight is gone

Until another time

When nothing happened.

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