Mercy On Me

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Let God

Show mercy on me

I've been on the white line

No way I can define

My sins

Been on the Darkside

A couple of times

Let God

Show mercy on me

A thousand times

I've prayed

I need a prayer

So many prayers


Will you rip these chains

Off my shoulders?


Will you take the key

Take these chains off me

So I can be free

I want to be free

In your name


My lord

My savior

You are the reason

I am in everlasting prayer

Lay your hand

On my friends and family

So they can feel

So they can see

The God that sets us all free

Let God

Have his mercy on me

So I can join him

So I can join him

In the heaven above

God, Rip these chains off of me

I've been locked away for so long

So long

Let God, Show mercy on me

So I can be free

So I can be free

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