Past Me

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I looked at you today

Haven't seen you in so long

I moved on, I did

Hard to turn around and see the past

See the red and the scars

Pain doesn't describe it

It is so much worse

You were there

When things got tough

You were there

Feelin rough

I picked you up

I laid you down

I boxed you up

I kept you away

Now here you are in my hand

I want to use you again

Turning back

I hate myself

Seeing myself

Seeing my flaws

I know I have flaws

Can't take pictures

Without filters

You can see me

You felt me

You loved me

I used you

I lost you

I found you

I boxed you

You lost me

You cut me

I was bleeding

When they found me

You were on the floor

Covered in my blood

You took my wrist

You marked me as yours


I looked at you today

First time

In a long time

I put you away

But the pain still stays

I should give you up

But I feel so attached

To a me

That isn't me

Where is the real me

( Hi! It me :3 I know this is a dark poem and here I am being all happy and ruining the mood BUT- Thanks to you guys we hit the highest ranking ever of 345 in the poetry tag! Thank you all so much for reading my poems! You guys are the best! I love you guys MWAH <3 )

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