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Locked in a dark room

In calls not speaking

Tears in my eyes

Feeling ashamed

Feeling like I can't talk

I laugh too long

Too hard

At something

That wasn't even funny

I just want to laugh

I just want to feel

When was the last time

I felt something real

Duct tape over my mouth

No one can see but me

Scars to where my tears stream

So many tears shed

Could I shed more

Dark octopus arms

Tendrils of darkness

Wrap around me

Starting from my legs

My torso

My stomach

My neck

My face

Covering my mouth

Till I cannot speak

I want to tell you how you ignore me

But I just can't seem to say

I could cry for help

But no one would hear

In my own ears

I hear nothing but silence

This darkness is surrounding me

I can't be happy no matter how hard I try

Always gonna be looking on the dark side

You don't want me

Why do I even try

You are too special

I don't want to bring you down

I want you to rise up

How would you feel

If I was never real

I know we could make it

But I'm the only one trying

Only one crying

You don't know my pain

I can't tell you my pain

I know the reasons

My heart building up its walls

Waiting for the fall

I can't blame you

When you did nothing wrong

I do everything wrong

I'm down on my knees

I can never be enough

For you

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