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Do you ever feel so twisted

Feeling like the darkness is never ending

Doing what I'm doing

Will drive you away

But the darkness won't go away

Dark thoughts

Lead to dark actions

And you get so confused

Can I delete what I just posted

Or take back the tears that I cried

My heart

The walls that I built

You broke down so easy

I was just wanting

Someone to love

But my heart is so dark and twisty

I can't see

I know I really like you

But I bury my face in shame

In the way I am acting

I will drive you away

Not on purpose

But these ugly thoughts I think

Are driving me over the brink

These waterfall of emotions

Are drowning me


I need air

The emotions bring tears to my eyes

Yet it mixes in

With the salty water

Of the ocean that I cried

It is like every time

I get up above the sea

A wave crashes over me

Not able to get enough air to survive

I feel so terrified

I might kill me

If these emotions don't get under control

If you leave

I might build the walls stronger

They were so weak

So desperate for love

My heart was breaking

Being so alone

Now that I have you

My mind doesn't believe it

My heart aches for it

I'm scared I will drive you away

Can I unpost it

Can I take it back

The smile you give me

Gives me the air I need to breathe

Do you ever feel so twisted

Feeling like the darkness is never ending

Doing what I'm doing

Will drive you away

But the darkness won't go away

Dark thoughts

Lead to dark actions

Not on purpose

But these ugly thoughts I think

Are driving me over the brink

These waterfall of emotions

Are drowning me 

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