Twenty-Fourth Poem: Bullied

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(A/N While I was never bullied in school, I like to put myself in someone else's shoes to feel what they feel in a certain situation and try to incorporate that in my work. This is also a WARNING for this deals with Self-harm, Suicide, Depression, and of course Bullying. If any of these trigger you please wait for the next update. I do love every comment and I am so excited that we almost have 200 reads! It is awesome. Thank you for voting, commenting, and reading. )

I remember

The first day

You pushed me against the locker

And told me to stay away

My best friend

Turned against me

When I told her I liked him too

We used to be so close

Now I don't know her name

She's not my friend anymore

Then her Boyfriend came

Called me names

She never even tried

To stand up for me

Trips me in the hallways

Glares are sent my ways

There was one time

When I got straight A's

Now I can't think of anything

My mood is dropping

And so are my grades

You don't know me

So how can you judge me..

You weren't there

When my dad left at nine

You weren't there

When my mom died

You weren't there

When I first slit my wrists

You weren't there

When I skipped my first meal

I am not doing so good

I just want to be where I once stood

I used to speak my mind

Now I have nothing to say

My mind draws a blank

For whatever I do

Is a mistake to you

Oh why

Do you

Have to be a Bully

You weren't there

When that guy came around

Said he loved me

Then fucked me

And left me to cry

You don't see the scars I hide

You think you are right

To the grin that you wear

To the punches you give

Why do you

My Bully

Have to bully me?

You weren't there

When my dad left at nine

You weren't there

When my mom died

You weren't there

When I first slit my wrists

You weren't there

When I skipped my first meal

You think that you know everything

But you do not know

That after school

After you punch me again

I won't be

The bullied anymore

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