People have it so much harder

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People have it so much harder

Their life is a mess

Don't know what they are gonna do next

I have it easy

I know

I have the money

I have a job

I have a car

I can pay the bills

But why is this pill bottle

Tempting me

Why do I wanna go so bad

Why do I feel so empty

I'm too scared to go

I don't really wanna go

So why are some days

Harder than most

I sit here

Wondering what to do

I have so much to do

But I can't bring myself to stand

These tears are falling

I can't stop them

I feel ashamed

For feeling this way

Cause I wanna leave

My responsibilities

I can't move on

But I must

I take one day at a time

These weeks fly by

When all I wanna do

Is stay in my bed and sleep

I got it easy

So many have it harder

So why do I still feel like

It's too much to shoulder?

I'm week

I'm not strong

I am barely holding on

When I needed you

You were gone

I'm here wondering

Why am I

Still here

Why am I still sad

When so many people have it harder

Why do I feel

So alone?

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