Sleep The Day Away

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Just when I think things are okay

Theres My chest

And that dull ache

I'm just sad

No sleep

Not living

Just taking each day

As it gives it

Trying to survive

I don't know if I can make it

I don't know if the future is for me

I don't know what I want

I don't want to talk about it

I hate being upset

I hate being uncomfortable

When you leave

When you choose them over me

Why don't you love me

Like I love you?

I want to ask you

But I can't keep doubting you

I want to trust you

I want to love you

But you make it so hard

These thoughts in my head

They are running me dead

Someone take them

Far away

I just want to sleep

To forget everything

I don't want to be this way

Can I just sleep the day away?

No one cares

If I am okay

They don't ask

But I tell them anyway

I do so many things

For so many people

And I have to reach out to be spoken to

Am I good person?

Or am I being fake?

I'm gonna lay in bed

Until the world dissolves away


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