Push Me Away

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Not my fault

I need naps

Not my fault

I like to stay in my room

I don't like social interactions

I like PC screens

You can't support

Anything that I like

From the music that I listen to

To the people I give my love to

I wish you knew

How lonely I feel

Door shut

Tears fall

Down my face

Thinking of every word that you said

You say I dress too tomboyish

You said a boy would never like me

Like how I am

I should change

Get my hair done

Go out to the club

I thought parents wanted the opposite

They want me to dress in tighter clothes

In short shorts

I don't get it

I clean the house

I hold my tongue

I do whatever you want me to do

But still, you find that one thing

To berate me for

You never support me in what I do

If you see what I write

You'd give me a 'talking to'

Don't believe in depression

Don't believe I could be lonely

I used to imagine what you would say

If I was gone the very next day

Starin in the mirror

I know you see what I see

You tell me I'm not good enough

Every day

I started to believe

Now here I am

Writing this about you

If you ever saw

You'd give me a 'talking to'

Don't believe in depression

Or therapy

Don't believe I could be having issues

Almost 22

I should be 'grown up'

You even bad talk my date

When he is right there

I just don't get you

Not my fault

I need naps

Not my fault

I like to stay in my room

When you drag me on the floor

When I come downstairs

Every word

I knife in my heart

All I do is laugh and run back in

You're pushing me away

Goodbye Goodbye

Now here I am

Writing this about you

If you ever saw

You'd give me a 'talking to'

Go ahead

Push me away

All I gotta say

Is Goodbye

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