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I don't know what to think

I don't understand

So long together

So much effort

So much time

My best friend

Ring on my finger

The future is so open and endless

With you by my side

Then you say you don't know

I feel so broken

So confused

I know what I want

Why don't you?

You say you love me

Happily talk of our future

Then turn

Turn into someone

I don't know

Say you have issues

Of commitment

I'm running

Far away

Towards the future

The unknown

But I am fine

Thinking you are beside me

And I turn around

I don't see you

I left you behind

Without knowing

I sit on the side

My eyes face the road behind me


For you

For you to decide you want me too

For you to accept me as I am

As I accept you

I don't stay

For the fun

I want you

To be my forever

But is hanging on

Hurting more than leaving?

They tell me it's not worth it

For someone who loved me

Would know

And want to be with me

Would want to work out the issues

Our depression

Our issues

A black hole

Sucking us in until we break

Find someone who would never say the things you say

Find someone who respects me

As you respect your friends

Why am I different?

That I will let you walk over me as I have




You say

Sorry loses its meaning

With so many issues

Piling into mountains

And all I ask is the respect you give to strangers

Am I a fool

For staying with you

For staying with someone

With commitment issues

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