Second Poem: A joke to you.

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I have to know the truth

So please stop leading me on

The flirting has to stop

I have to stop falling

Until you tell me the truth

Is this a joke to you

Is this all I am here for

Someone who can give you a laugh

Someone who is just a fool

Don't you know you made

My heart skip twice a beat

Is this all a joke to you

Don't you know I fell for you

So please

I'm holding myself

Back from all the guys that want me

Just because you said you liked me

So please just tell me

Is this just a joke to you

The flirting was real for me

I won't be mad

I just don't wanna waste my time

So stop leading me on

Saying you love me

Saying you want me too

This isn't a joke to me

This is the real thing for me

These feelings I am feeling

The love that I feel

In my heart is melting

So please give me a reason

A sign

That you feel the same

Is this just a joke to you

Is this real for you

I need to know cause I am falling hard

So I just need to stop

I need to hang for dear life

Once I reach the bottom

I won't be able to climb back up

So stop saying all the right things

Stop being so perfect

Stop flirting if you don't mean it

I don't want to feel any pain

So is this a joke to you

Is this real to you

Tell me you love

Or feel nothing at all

Tell me, please

Is this a joke

To you  

My Thoughts On PaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora