Thirty-First Poem: Broken

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Though every fiber of my being

Told me no

I had texted and called

To no avail

Then the snow turned to hail

Beauty became pain

You are so arrogant

As if you want us to say

"All hail the king!"

As if I would do such a thing

If I were not a peaceful person

I might just punch you in the face

It would be the best escape

To leave here

And not see your face

For every time our eyes connect

It is me being broken all over again

I wonder sometimes

Is this a surprise to you

That every time I see you

My heart breaks a little more

They tell me to think before I speak

But what is there to think about

No matter what you say

It is like returning to that day

Of pain

Of suffering

Of misery

You tell me there was nothing

No chemistry

No love

But I believe

You are hurt

You are scared

So you took it out on me

Now I am the one left broken

And alone

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