Come Look! You're Adorable!

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*Steve is looking for Grant and Sarah.. Bucky walks back in the room*
Y/N- Couldn't find her? *You smile*
Bucky- I know exactly where she is.. and all that matters is she's safe...
*Tony looks shocked*
Tony- Okay, where is rage Bucky?! I want him back.. this new Justice serving, zen Bucky freaks me out.. go punch a wall and ground your daughter!
*Bucky laughs and pats Bucky on the back*
Bucky- Sorry man... I'm just too happy these days.
*You smile and grab his hand.. he sits down next to you and takes Grant from your arms*

Winnie- So Morgan brought me something from the future.. she thought I'd want it and she thought you'd enjoy it as well..
*Thor smile and walks over*
Winnie- I have a lot of videos I could show you but I'm not gonna... I want all of that to be a surprise for you.. *Thor leans his forehead down against hers* but I do want to show you this...
*She pulls up a sonogram*
Thor- Is this- *He smiles and a tear falls* is this our baby?
*Winnie smiles and nods... Thor laughs and kisses her*
Thor- Wow! Look he's got my profile..
*Winnie laughs and kisses Thor's cheek... she watches him as he looks at the picture.. she runs her fingers through his hair and he smiles*
Thor- Do you have more?
*Winnie nods and shows Thor all the pictures she has of their little baby*

*Contrary to what Steve and even Bucky think nothing too scandalous is happen in the closet.. Grant has Sarah in his arms and her legs are wrapped around him. He kisses her cheeks and neck and lips.. she laughs as he just smothers her in kisses*
Sarah- Grant, you're such a softie..
*Grant laughs*
Grant- Yeah... I'll show you how hard- Nope, never mind.. not gonna say that..
*Sarah laughs and Grant rest his forehead on hers*
Grant- Let's get out of here before we get caught... find us a room for the night.. *He winks and Sarah pulls him close*
Sarah- Yeah... I doubt my dad will let me spend the night with you..
*Grant laughs and they sneak out of the closet.. they walk back into the main room and see you holding baby Grant... Sarah's eye light up*

Y/N- Did you have fun? Huh?
Pepper- He did great and Morgan surrounded him with all her stuffed animals to keep him safe..
*You start to tear up and Bucky smiles.. He tickles Morgan and she laughs.. he gives her a high-five*
Bucky- Thanks Mo...
*She smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek*
Little Morgan- you're welcome Buckaroo
*He smiles and Tony and Pepper laugh.. Steve chimes in*
Steve- Buckaroo is a new one!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- At least she stopped calling me Bucket...
*You laugh and smile* I still blame you for that..
*He tickles you*
Y/N- I didn't know she was around..
Steve- What?
Y/N- He was annoying me one day and to annoy him I called him Bucket... Morgan heard and ran with it... she called him Uncle Bucket for like a month..
*Morgan smiles and tickles Grants feet.. he laughs and smiles... Grant and Sarah walk in and You see Sarah's eyes get big... the she squeals*
Sarah- Grant!! Look at you!! You are so cute!
*She walks over and kneels in front of you* can I hold him... *She looks around* wait.. is that weird? I don't know if that's weird.. *You laugh*
Y/N- Not at all...
*You hand he Grant and he smiles... he is starry eyed.. and touches her face... You all laugh.. Bucky whispers in your ear*
Bucky- You got some competition... *You turn and look at him*
Y/N- Bite your tongue.. she can have the big one.. the baby is mine..
*Bucky kisses your head and chuckles.. you know that at this moment in Little Grants life Sarah could never replace you but you'd be lying if you said you weren't worried about how he will act when she gives him back*
Sarah- So stinking cute! *She kisses his cheeks and then hands him back... moment of truth.. he turns and sees you and he smiles and squeals and buries his head in your chest... he finds his thumb and promptly snuggles into you... you replace his thumb with a Paci and he fights it for a minute and then gives in... You heart is so full.. Bucky smiles and kisses your head while rubbing your arm*
Bucky- No one could replace you baby..
*You snuggle into Bucky*

*Sarah turns to Big Grant*
Sarah- Grant come look! You're adorable!
*Grant smiles and walks over... he looks at himself... Little Grant looks up and pushes out his Paci... he stares down Big Grant and as he does he holds onto your shirt a little tighter.. he starts to whine a little.. you laugh and Bucky pats his back*
Y/N- This again?? Really?!
Bucky- It's okay Little Wolf.. he's not gonna take mama away from you..
*Little Grant takes a big shakey breath and Big Grant smiles at his old nickname "Little Wolf"*

‼️I know!! It's super short! 😭 But this was the best place to cut it... a long chapter will be posted tomorrow!! Just get ready for the rollercoaster‼️

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