That Is Not For Us To Decide

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*You try not to laugh*
Y/N- sorry baby..
Bucky- I wanna know why you had it on without telling me?? You know I asked you to not use that specific toy without me..
*You laugh*
Y/N- I needed a really good fuck after the day I had okay.. but I fell asleep before I could use it..
*You hear Bucky chuckle*
Bucky- Why was your day bad??
Y/N- since I talked to Loki he acted weird.. he was clingy and crying.. I felt something was off so I watched the security video and there is definitely a part of the conversation that I don't remember... I think maybe Grant picked up on something that I've forgotten..
Bucky- Wait.. like you were listening but you didn't comprehend or you literally don't remember like it was erased...
Y/N- Like it was erased... Loki erased the converts from my mind but we were crying and it looked super emotional so I know it wasn't bad...
Bucky- Yeah.... We'll see..
*you realize something*
Y/N- Wait?! Why were you wearing it?!?
*Bucky chuckles.. you can tell that he flustered.. you smile*
Bucky- I was uhhh.. ha! I was watching the video you sent me... and I Umm came so hard I kinda just passed out and went to sleep with it on..
*You laugh*
Y/N- You wanna know what my dream was about? *You bite your lip*
Bucky- Let me guess... something to do with Winter??
Y/N- Yup! That night I came to your room and-
Bucky- and we officially started this thing... oh I remember that.. *Bucky chuckles*
Y/N- So what happened last night?
Bucky- I woke up and almost screamed in the jet as I fought off the orgasm.. I then ran out of the jet, waking Steve in the process, he was making sure I was okay.. and he saw and heard me cum that last time.. he then ran face first into a tree..
*You laugh*
Y/N- Poor Stevie!
Bucky- Poor me! *Bucky shakes his head and smiles.. you laugh*
Y/N- I'm sorry baby.. but at least it was a good time..
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- Yeah, that's true..
Y/N- on another note, did you decide to go with Nat?
Bucky- Yeah... It's only 3 days.. they had a set back and we are leaving this morning..
Y/N- okay, let me know when y'all get to wherever she's taking you..
Bucky- I will.. you kiss Grant for me and keep Little Winnie safe..
*You smile*
Y/N- I will... bye baby
Bucky- Bye
*You hang up and get Grant up.. he is happy to see you and he seems to be in a much better mood this morning*

*Bucky walks up to Nat and Steve*
Bucky- so I'm gonna go with you, Nat
*Nat and Steve look at each other and smile*
Nat- Steve just said he was going as well..
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- so none of us are okay with Sharon being out of our sight..
Steve- Nope..
*Sharon walks by them*
Sharon- Oh good the boys are joining us..
*Bucky rolls his eyes*
Bucky- I'll be back..
*Bucky packs his bag and drops it in the second jet and then tells everyone bye*
Bucky- Tony please keep and eye on the compound..
Tony- I will... don't worry Bucky.
*Bucky gives Peter a hug goodbye and pats Sam on the back*
Sam- Y'all be safe.. let me know if y'all need help.. I can be there if you need it.
Bucky- Thanks Sam..
Steve- Alright... Yelena you ready?
Yelena- Yes.. *She kisses Sam goodbye and loads the jet*
*Bucky, Steve, And Nat load the jet.. they take off*
Steve- So.. where are we going?
*Sharon looks back at them*
Sharon- Madripoor  *Bucky and Steve look at each other* I have a friend who owes me..

*Bucky sits towards the back of the jet and Steve comes to sit next to him*
Steve- You've heard of this place??
Bucky- Yeah.... It's a pretty lawless town.. watch your back and don't wear the outfit or the shield..
Steve- okay...
*They sit in silence for awhile... Bucky notices Nat looking at him... she smirks... Bucky looks at Steve*
Bucky- you told her... didn't you?!?
*Steve smiles and try's to play it off.. Nat laughs and Yelena moves close to listen*
Steve- I- uhh ha! Ummm yup... yeah I did.. she saw my face as I climbed back in bed.. I had to explain the scrapes and I wasn't about to let her believe I just ran into a tree..
*Bucky shakes his head*
Yelena- Wait.. what happened??
Nat- Buck was-
Bucky- Nope! She doesn't need to know..
*Nat laughs and puts her hands up*
Yelena- Thats fine... keep it to yourself.. I'll figure it out...
*Bucky rolls his eyes and turns to her*
Bucky- I was enjoying myself and Steve caught me.. okay!
*Yelena nods*
Bucky- And then Steve screamed like a girl and ran face first into a tree..
*Yelena laughs and so does Nat*
Steve- still, I wasn't the one caught with my pants down..
*They all laugh and Bucky just brushes it off*
Sharon- we still have about 5 hours so get comfy..
*Bucky groans and lays down.. Yelena teases Bucky*
Yelena- If you are going to be self completing please warn us before hand.. I brought my noise canceling headphones..
*Nat and Steve laugh and Bucky throws a pillow at her.. she laughs... the girls go to sleep and Steve keeps an eye on Sharon, making sure she's taking them where she says*

*You work on the security video.. you are trying to get the sound back*
Y/N- Morgan!?
Morgan- Yeah Aunt y/n?
Y/N- Can you figure this out??
Morgan- I wish I could but dad does an overhaul of his system in about 5 years.. I don't know how to work this one...
Y/N- Okay... could you make the pictures bigger... it'll give me an excuse to dust off my lip reading ability..
*Morgan laughs and enlarges the pictures... one view of you and one of Loki*
Y/N- Thank you Morgan...
*You grab a pen and paper and get to work watching the videos over and over.. trying to decipher what you and Loki are saying*

*After about 3 hours you finally have a complete message*
Y/N- Okay... now I'm more confused...
*Grant and Winnie walk in to check on you*
Winnie- Hey mom.. how's it going??
Y/N- this is what I have and I can't make sense of it..
*You hand her the pad of paper... you got the conversation word for word.. Grant and Winnie read it and you can tell the change in their demeanor*
Y/N- What?? Do you know what all this means?!
*Grant looks up*
Grant- No... it's just confusing.
Winnie- yeah, I can't make any sense of it either.. sorry..
*You give them a look and take the paper back*
Y/N- Okay, thanks anyway..
*They smirk and leave... they shut the door and look at each other*
Winnie- It would be our luck to land back in time when that happens..
Grant- Yeah... but you read what Loki said.. we can't interfere..
*Winnie sighs*
Winnie- Grant if I'm here when this happens you know I can't stand by and watch... I'll try to stop it..
Grant- Then I'll stop you...
*Winnie crosses her arms*
Winnie- You really want her to go through that?!?
Grant- Of course not! But she has to!
Winnie- Whatever Grant!
*Grant sighs*

*Your ear is pressed up against the door and you are listening to them talk.. you look down at Little Grant in your arms*
Y/N- Do you know what happens??
*He grunts*
Y/N- So much for your help..
*He smiles and coos... you smile and kiss him*
Y/N- We will be okay... how bad can it be..

‼️Flash forward‼️
March 10th 9pm
*You stand from where you were knocked down..  Bucky screams in pain and Nat cry's over an unconscious and bleeding Steve.. you hear Thor screaming for Winnie and Peter crying... you look around and everything is on fire*
‼️End Flash forward‼️

*Little Grant coos and laughs*
Y/N- Right?!? How bad can it be?
*You kiss him*
Y/N- Loki said it's gonna be hard but as long as the kids go home all will be okay and our future will be what they've told us..

*Winnie talks to Sarah and Morgan*
Winnie- I will not go back.. I will not leave her alone that day.
Sarah- You know what happens.. we have to-
Winnie- No!
Morgan- yes! If you try and stay we will stop you Winnie...
*Winnie breaks down*
Winnie- I just want to save her from that pain...
Sarah- I know... but we know how it ends Winnie... it all works out.. everyone is okay, just a little beat up.
Winnie- But if we do something they can go to the future with less scars..
Morgan- Thats not for us to decide...
*Winnie cry's and Sarah and Morgan hug her*

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