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I took the papers out and slapped them on the mahogany table. I took each one of them and read it for the second time.

These were the contract agreements. We decided that I go ahead and draft it and we meet to see one last time if we needed to delete or add anything.

I was still confused about the way Aeden reacted the other day. He had a girlfriend despite that, he touched me. It was weird nonetheless.

I looked around my boring office and sighed. I was so bored sitting here. It had been months that I actually went out of the city. Yeah, traveling was one of my hobbies. I used to go backpacking or trekking almost every weekend until I got promoted. Since then, I barely have any time for trekking or backpacking.

I looked outside the window and pouted, imagining the things I could have done if I wasn't promoted but the promotion was also necessary for my growth. I guess you need to sacrifice one thing in order to achieve the other.

I went through the papers again. I kept on pondering up on one thing, was 8 months too less or too much? I've had a few divorce cases but I usually don't take them. I deal with property and criminal cases. Yes, I've seen and met shit terribly many criminals. Defended some of them while I was against some, Hurst to see innocents getting killed but that's the part of my job profile. Met guilty criminals and have met some who have no regrets. Always wondered how they still think they are right after draining the life out of someone.

I was going to meet up with Aeden. I hadn't been to Nina's house for the past two days, despite her constant nagging that I should come because I was going to be her daughter-in-law soon and it was too awkward for me to go after what happened with Aeden that day. I think the only person who was genuinely happy about this marriage was Nina. I mean she just couldn't stop talking about it.

I was a bit hesitant and nervous to meet Aeden. After two days of me trying to completely avoid him and his family, I didn't think it was a good idea. In fact, I suggested that someone from my office or his Butlers could come and collect it and after the review, he could send it back for any changes but he denied and stated firmly that he'll come and visit me at the firm.

I arranged them and put them away in the folder. I looked at the clock. I sighed as he told me he'll meet me at twelve and it was 11:45 AM.

Honestly speaking, I was in no mood to meet him. His bizarre behavior was all I could think of. Why did he do that? He has a girlfriend yet the way he held me and looked at me was so different. I hadn't seen that glint in anyone's eyes till this day. Not even Jack, despite being in love with him for three years.

I pushed the chair closer to the table and rested my head on it. I was extremely sleep-deprived. Without my knowledge, I dozed off on my table.

"Miss Ray?" A husky English accent hit my ears and I couldn't help but hum in approval. The voice was extremely calm soothing my nerves and relaxing me.

"Miss Ray," the same voice called out for me again. I jerked my head up when someone patted me on my shoulder.

"Hello," Aeden grinned. I looked at him with wide eyes. How did he get in? Who let him in?

He chuckled looking at me and I couldn't help but admire him. His glasses making him look hotter than ever. My eyes involuntarily followed, how he licked his upper lip.

'No Stop it, Carla! It's wrong!' I slapped myself mentally before he could notice me staring at him.

"Hi," I greeted him. He flashed his beautiful and completely toxic smile.

Oh my god!

I needed to get a hold of myself before I lose my heart to something stupid. I was a complete idiot. I was attracted to a man who was already taken. I've never felt this before and it feels so good.

"Please sit," I said as I gestured to the chairs opposite of me.

Without further ado, we began discussing the clauses of our so-called marriage.

We were allowed to sleep and spend time with anyone we want. We weren't subjected to answer each other the questions about the same. We were just to make sure that we were supposed to do all of it without the public knowledge, for him. He was the one worried about his reputation would be ruined if the paparazzi saw me with another man.

I heard a knock on the door and asked them to come in.

"Hello gorgeous," my colleague Jona entered. I looked at him and smiled. He was one of the best things that this firm has ever had. He was the funniest one.

"I just wanted to let you know, that we have a meeting at 2:00 PM." He said as I got up from my seat and walked closer to him. He bent down and pecked my cheek. It was one of his habits.

"Sure, now, if you could excuse me, I have someone waiting," I eye signaled towards Aeden.

"Who's that hottie?" He asked winking.

"I'll tell you later," I said and pushed him out. I smiled and turned around to face Aeden. It took me some time to realize that he had narrowed his eyes on me and was clenching his jaw hard. Gone was the calm Aeden I saw a few minutes ago.

What happened now?

I stayed calm in contrast to his cold and seething one. "If you could sign this," I said lowly as I pointed to the paper where we were supposed to sign, sitting down back on my chair.

As soon as he made eye contact with me, a shiver ran down my spine in horror. He looked so cold and unapproachable yet his eyes told something different.

"We have to sign this when we get married and till eight months, this contract is valid," I said. You could practically hear my voice quiver as I pointed to the next blank space.

"I want you to stay at my place," he said grinding his teeth.

"What?" I chuckled nervously in disbelief.

"Move in with me," he said as his eyes darkened a shade or two, making the hair on my nape rise.

"That wasn't a part of the contract," I said softly.

"Now it is," he said and took the pen and scribbled his signature on the paper. I couldn't process anything and sat there looking at him in pure astonishment.

"Mr. Beckett..." I tried to call out but he cut me off.

"where's your ring?" He asked. His tone held uncertainty. I looked at my left hand which had no ring. I took the ring off the same day when I reached home.

"Oh that," I chuckled trailing off. "it's at home," I completed all in one breath. His eyes stayed at my finger for much longer before he looked up at me.

I took off the ring because it reminded me of Pearl. It was supposed to be hers yet, here I was wearing her ring. He was might have bought it for her but had to give it to me. That must feel awful.

"I always want it on your finger," he declared and walked out without sparing me a single glance.

I blinked a few times to see if I wasn't dreaming. Why did he ask me to wear it? He was fine and the next I know, he's not. What's going on? Did I offend him somehow?

But I didn't even do anything wrong. We just had a normal conversation. I plopped on my chair thinking about what was wrong with Aeden. 

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