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Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go

Carla woke up to the sun rays beaming on her face and the birds chirping wildly. Peering her eyes open, she was met with the same white ceiling of their room. She groaned and looked down but was met with disappointment.

Aeden wasn't there. She was alone.

She looked at the wall clock to see it was half-past nine. Sitting up with a jerk, panic settled in her chest. She waited for Aeden one whole day but he showed up the next day morning at five. Now he wasn't here, again. She didn't want to think he was going to do something disastrous but that thought still pricked her.

She pushed the duvet off her body, she ran out of the room in search of him. As soon as she reached the end of the stairwell, a strong aroma of crispy bacon hit her nostrils. She stilled for a moment and snapped her head towards the obvious place, the kitchen.

She looked out the large French windows to barely notice any guards out and furrowed her brows in confusion. One thing she knows is, that they are always here, not a single day they can get off. An unknown dread settled inside her chest.

The sizzling sound of something was heard and she turned around, wondering who was in the kitchen. Gulping in dread and trying to appear strong, she grabbed the only thing that was on a fancy side-table, the tusk of an elephant.

Aeden was into collecting unique things and him possessing the tusk of an elephant, didn't surprise Carla.

Clutching around the narrower end, she made her way to the kitchen in slow steps. She was soon met with a sturdy back. Without thinking much, she lunged at him with the ivory tusk.

"Ahhh," she screamed loudly but it was too late as the person turned around, and in an attempt to stop the hit, her foot slipped and her hold on the tusk loosened significantly and slipped from her hand. Before she could hit the ground and drop the tusk on her foot, Aeden caught it and held her closer to him, with his free hand.

Her eyes widened as she stared at him in shock. She had never seen him in this kitchen. She couldn't help but wonder where all the maids were and Paolina was.

"What are you doing here?"

"What was that?"

Both of them questioned in unison.

Aeden quirked his brow up and Carla gulped once again before stepping back.

"I-I thought you were here to kill me," She said in a small voice nibbling on her lower lip. An amusing smirk tugged upon his lips as he tried to hold his chuckle.

"Why would someone here to kill you, make breakfast?" He questioned as he crossed his arms against his chest, still holding onto the tusk.

"I d-don't know. There wasn't much security here, like always," she said biting her cheek hardly and shutting her eyes close in embarrassment. She was stuttering for no damn reason.

"Well, I gave them an off. And so are the housekeepers."

"Why?" She couldn't help but ask.

His face contoured in sadness as he looked at her with a soft expression. "I asked for a day remember? Just you and me?" He said and Carla just blinked her eyes several times.

"I didn't want anyone to interrupt us."

"The breakfast is ready. Have a seat," he said pointing to the barstools placed by the kitchen counter.

She didn't say much, looking at his tired eyes and very gloomy expression. She walked back and sat down, wondering what had actually happened.

He quickly served up bacon strips and eggs with some bread slices. He poured a glass of orange pulp for the both of them and sat down opposite of her.

Not MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora