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Check my pulse for a second time (second time)
I took too much, I don't wanna die
I don't know if I can be alone again
I don't know if I can sleep alone again

(P.s. if you want you can hear the song alone again by The Weeknd for this chapter)

"It wasn't his mistake," Carla breathed out.

"Really?" Cliff scoffed.

"Yes. Nobody has to pay for someone else's deeds," She said trying to inhale but the copper taste in her mouth and the pungent smell of blood didn't allow her to.

"You remember the time, you crashed into another car?" He quirked his brow up looking at her.

"That was me. That was when it all began. That was my signal to being."

"It started with me finding my then long-lost and now dead brother, Steve. I didn't have to do much. He was already a fool. A fool who was madly in love with you after one night. Wonder what magic you possess that, this idiot fell for you after one night in bed with you."

"I got what I needed from him. He told me all after I faked that I missed him all my life. I did miss my sibling, but not as much as I exaggerated. Then he told me everything I needed to know about you. He was your stalker after all. He was happy stalking you from far after you got the restraining order but I gave him hope. A hope of a new life with you. See the thing was, I just had to give him some hopes and he stalked you inside out. From those pics to your stepfather, we had it all."

"Yet, I stole those files from your husband's study, just to throw him in a loop." He snickered at the mention of Aeden.

"Then I put my plan into action by Pearl. Pearl had him right on the leash."

"By drawing money from him to warming his bed, I didn't really mind." Pearl appeared out of nowhere, shocking Carla. She looked at her with wide eyes, not because she was surprised that she was involved in this but because Aeden had told her he had taken care of Pearl.

"I tried desperately to keep Aeden away from you because I knew that man had already begun lusting over you. It was all part of the plan you see." She smirked as she placed her elbow on Cliff's shoulder and lean closer to him. Tentatively, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"It was our plan. I manipulated that old hag to convince you to marry him. In this game, someone had to be the sacrificial lamb, ain't it?"

"One day I was doing my usual, stalking that old cancerous bitch so we could hit her right at the heart, I noticed you. This young and lively girl, who was kind enough to do anything for the oldie because she was sick and her kids weren't there? The perfect scapegoat."

"So we did what we had to, keep him away from you so that your attraction grows stronger and it did. But we didn't expect was love. I thought he'd just fuck you for some time and throw you out like his other whores but my my... what hasn't he done for you? He even tried getting rid of me and my child to keep you safe. You know it wasn't my child's mistake," she said and palmed her slightly swollen belly through her tight dress. Carla's eyes instinctively landed on it and she could clearly see she was pregnant.

"B-but he told me you weren't pregnant." Carla stuttered in disbelief.

"At the time we made you believe, I wasn't." She said. "But I am 12 weeks in."

"So someone one has to pay for the trauma he made our baby go through right?" She smirked evil and it then hit Carla.

"You...you are seeing each other?" Carla asked in disbelief.

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