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"Good night," Paolina said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Night!" I yelled loudly so she could hear me.

I looked around one last time before walking to one of the cabinets and taking a glass out and filling it up with water.

I brought it closer to my lips and placed it there glancing around. I slowly made my way to the knife stand and pulled out the largest and sharpest one. I placed the glass down looking around, to check if anybody is watching me.

I pushed the knife in the long sleeve of my t-shirt. I took the glass and drank all of the water.

I was just wasting my time. I opened the fridge and took out the box of strawberries and began eating it very slowly. Chewing it nicely, so it helps in digestion.

I dropped the strawberry down when I heard the door open. According to the big bulky hunks, Eric was supposed to arrive soon, or at least that is what I made out from their Italian conversation.

I peeped from the kitchen to see if he was there and much to my advantage, he was.

He slumped on the couch and pulled his tie out and threw it on the couch next, the one he was sitting on. His sleeves were rolled up and his hair was disheveled.

I looked around one last time to see if anyone was around and when the coast was clear, I slowly walked towards him, without making any noise.

I pulled the knife out from my sleeve and fisted firmly around the knife guard as I walked towards Eric. He rested his head back on the head rest and closed his eye, heaving a loud sigh.

In two small steps, I was right behind him. He hadn't opened his eyes, completely oblivious to my presence.

Gripping around the knife tightly to stop my hand from trembling, I placed it on his throat. Not hurting him, just making him feel the cold metal.

He snapped his eyes open and looked at me. His demeanour didn't weaver. His forest green eyes remained calm.

Slowly and steadily, I moved around him, keeping the knife steady at his throat, till I was in front of him.

"Lascia perdere," two big bulky monsters appeared out of nowhere, pointing their guns at me. (Drop that)

I stood still and didn't move.

It wasn't long before one of the bulky guys barked something in Italian over the Bluetooth earpiece and more monsters rushed in.

Hearing the commotion, Isabelle and Paolina also rushed out.

"Where is my passport?" I asked him, trying to sound strong, while from the inside I was quivering.

"Lancia perdere!" One of the guys shouted again. I honestly didn't know what they were yelling but it either was I'll kill you or move away.

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