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She took her coat and put her hands into the pockets to pull out the fucking drugs.

She wouldn't have been so stressed if it wasn't for the anonymous tip she received regarding the drugs. She was afraid that whoever tipped her, knew a lot. And she was right; when Jona came with the drugs, she was terrified. Just like mentioned in the anonymous tip, that Jona would bring it to her.

What she didn't understand was that how did the person predict that Jona would bring her the drugs.

At first, she thought it was a setup but later dismissed the theory when she received a threat. No sooner she got the tip, she received a call from a private number, and the person threatened her, that if she tried to do something stupid, they'd kill everyone close to her. By stupid, they meant anything at all.

Her eyes widened in horror when she didn't find it in either of her pockets.

"No! Shit!" She cursed out loud and pulled the door of her room open roughly and looked around. She walked her way down the stairs searching for ecstasy, exactly the way she walked up yesterday night.

She paused for a second and looked at the place where Aeden came onto her. Nothing.

She scanned the entire house but nothing.

Panic-stricken, she wore her flip-flops and took one of the keys for Aeden's car, and ran out the door without bothering to close it behind her.

She searched the elevator and the entrance but nothing. She got in the car and started it, Driving to Kiara's.

"Fuck. Fuck." She cursed beautifully slamming her fist onto the steering wheel.

She was driving fast, skipping all the red lights and the speed limit. She tried remembering anything at all but who would blame her? She was already terrified and panicked, to remember the details.

She pulled up in front of Kiara's apartment and rushed out of the car. She ran up looking for the drugs through the stairs.

She rang the bell to her house uncontrollably till Kiara finally opened it.

"What was that?" Kiara asked her but Carla was in no time for it. She pushed her aside and got in and began searching for it the entire house.

"What are you doing?" Kiara asked her and Carla didn't bother to give her a reply.

"I want your car keys," Carla asked urgently.

"No! First, tell me what's got you all worked up?" Kiara stood her ground.

"Kiara, give me the fucking car keys or I swear I'll slam your head through the wall, kill you and then take the car keys." Carla gritted out. Kiara was stunned for a second or two. She handed her the keys and watched Carla run out.

What worried Kiara was that Carla was a calm person. She was so worked up that she even threatened to kill Kiara. She didn't know what was bothering her but she'd find out soon.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Carla screamed her lungs out after rummaging through her car and not finding anything.

"What is it?" Kiara asked her walking to her.

"Don't fuck with me right now, Kiara. Leave me alone!" She slammed the door of the car roughly and kicked the trash can.

She walked back to Aeden's car and closed the door shut. She rested her head on the steering wheel as tears gathered the corner of her eyes. If she hadn't received that anonymous tip, everything would have been fine.

She didn't know who threatened her and even the hospital photo was still a mystery.

She drove back slowly and cautiously. She didn't want a car accident to be the cause of her death.

With her shoulders slumped, she entered the code and got into his house.

"Look who's here," a very fine voice hit her ears.

"Not now," Carla muttered under her breath.

"My boyfriend's wife, how are you?" The blonde Pearl asked her. Sarcasm dripping from each and every word that left her lips.

"Hi," Carla greeted unenthusiastically.

"How does it feel to steal someone else's man?" Pearl asked her as she walked closer to her.

Carla wouldn't have normally been intimidated by Pearl because they were never alone in the same room but, now, she was a tad bit intimidated.

Pearl was taller and had better features than her. She was a beautiful and flawless woman. Her blonde hair reached her hips and her pouty lips and perfect and large boobs were everything a girl could dream of.

Carla couldn't help but compare herself to this fine woman. Neither was she tall nor did she have perfect boobs.

"I'm sorry?"

"You are sorry? Bitch, how dare you?!" Pearl ground her straight teeth.

"I know you are hurt Pearl but it's not my fault. Aeden could have stopped the wedding but he didn't," Carla tried to reason with her.

What Carla was forgetting was that reasoning works only with sane people and not someone like Pearl.

"You stole my love," she said as she pulled Caral by her hair harshly. A sharp pain shot up her skull but didn't try to pry her away.

"Pearl, please let go. Violence can only cause greater damage," she said calmly and held up her hand on Pearl's.

"Not today bitch," she said and harshly released her hair and Carla stumbled back.

"You took everything away from me!" She cried out.

"I loved him so much. He was my everything!" She yelled.

"I'm pregnant with his child. And you are the reason my child will not have its father. You ruined our relationship and our perfect life. You are a pathetic whore. You stole my love and the father of my child!" She gritted out.

"I'm sorry," Carla apologized looking down and feeling guilty for separating the child from its father. What Pearl failed to mention was, she and Aeden had broken up.

None of it was Carla's fault but she felt that way.

"Wait till I ruin you!" Pearl spat venomously and paused Carla forcefully making her land on the floor. She yelped in pain as her ankle twisted. Pearl walked out the door, slamming it shut and with a satisfied grin.

Carla sighed defeatedly as tears of pain rolled down her cheeks. She administered her ankle to see it partially swollen. Sucking a deep breath, she tried to stand up, only to hit the ground in pain.

Just as she was about to try to stand on her feet once again, her phone chimed. She took it from her pocket and looked at the new message.

It was a photo of her on the ground. It was shot right now.

How was Pearl and Carla's short and awful meet?

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