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"I'm so dead," I whispered to myself when I noticed he made his way towards me.

In three quick and long strides, he stood in front of me, towering my small frame with his large and tall frame. I craned my neck a bit to look into his eyes. And they still had the same longing in them, they did three years ago.

"Mr. Arnold." Aeden came up to me and wrapped one of his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him before the man in front of us could speak up.

With black eyes and dark hair, and being just an inch or two shorter than Aeden, he still looked the same. The same man I met three years ago. The one mistake that I still regret. If only he wasn't the way he was, I would have definitely given Steve a chance.

"Mr. Beckett, I'm so sorry for your loss," he sends his condolences our way, ripping his eyes from mine to my so-called husband.

Aeden just nods and his hold on me tightens when he notices Steve looking at me.

"This is my wife, Carla Beckett. Carla, this is Steve Arnold." He introduces us and I force a smile on and nod curtly at Steve.

"If you'll excuse us now," Aeden said and without waiting for Steve's response, he pulled me with him towards Sarah and Cliff. Sarah's gaze hardened on me, making me gulp involuntarily.

Oh god, save me from her wrath!

The hatred she held for me, was so evident in her eyes. It couldn't have been missed. At least not by me. If she had the power, she could just kill me with her looks.

"Is everything ready?" Aeden asked his sister as we approached her and tore her eyes from mine, she looks and him and nods in response.

"Get ready, we have the funeral in less than an hour," Sarah said, trying to keep her voice normal but I knew she wasn't able to. She didn't like it that Aeden had his hand rested on my waist. Guess what Sarah, I don't either but your brother is a moron, who doesn't respect boundaries.

"We'll see you in some time," He said as he moved his hand from my waist to my arm and held it harshly, and dug his nails into my soft flesh. I blinked twice to hold the wince in.

He pulled me with him before I could even adapt to my surroundings. Walking up the stairwell, he slammed the door of a room open and in a matter of seconds, pushed me on the bed.

"Get dressed if you don't want me to do something to you," he growled loudly looking at me. He was probably pissed about the way Steve was looking at me.

Now let's be real, he can do anything. And I just get up and walk to the closet and looked at a bag beside a few dresses, which seemed like were shopped for me. I looked inside the bag and sure enough, a black dress for the funeral.

I take the dress and walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower before I can actually, dress up. I lock the door well aware of what Aeden is capable of.

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