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His large frame hovered over my mine and he was shaking due to rage.

"Aeden," I whispered.

"Why do you want to know?" He seethed.

"If you open up, we can start something. You want it to don't you? I'm giving you a chance, so we can do it together," I said softly looking into his eyes.

I moved my palms up to cup his face but hesitated. After much hesitation, I cupped his face and moved closer. He had shaved and I could feel his smooth skin against mine.

"We can only work it out if you tell me everything about you. You know everything about me, but I don't know anything about you. Please tell me about yourself." I said caressing his cheek with my thumb. That seemingly worked because he relaxed under my touch and his breathing turned normal. His eyes soften and the fury in his eyes was long gone as he stared at me.

"Please," I request again. Neither of us averted our gazes. That is when I realized how beautiful his eyes were. Just plain blue. Yet held so much volume.

He hesitated a bit before finally nodding. He held my wrist and bought one of my palms closer to his lips and he pecked it. I looked at him and with which gentleness he held and kissed me, made my tummy flutter.

Just like that, he bent down and moved one of his hands behind my back and the one under my knees and lift me off the ground in bridal style. I instantly held onto his shoulders and looked at him a little surprised.

He walked us to the bed, without breaking our stare. He slowly laid me down on the bed and pushed the pillow against the headboard, to help me lean back. He sat opposite of me, still holding my hand, and caressed my wrist with his thumb.

"Is Oli your child Aeden?" I asked him once again, seeing his lost look.

"No." He said looking right into my eyes. Some sort of weird relief washed over me when I found out that she wasn't his child. Not that I hate Oli, but that thought of her being his child was unsettling. Weird right? Extremely!

I didn't know how I felt. I was way too confused. He did so many wrong things but somewhere or the other, his gentleness overshadowed them. Am I being delusional? So many overwhelming emotions. These emotions were getting out of control.

When he was a beast, I hated him. I still do. I know just an apology of his won't suffice for what he has made me go through, yet he is the only person who can protect me from every single thing.

"She is Sarah's daughter." He said and my eye widened.

"Sarah was eighteen when she stupidly had sex with her then-boyfriend and got pregnant. They loved each other. Sarah and her boyfriend, Cameron, were driving back home one night after he took her out for dinner. She was eight months pregnant at that time. But a speeding truck made its way and their car was crushed. Cameron died instantly but Sarah survived. The paramedics immediately rushed her to the hospital and Olivia was born prematurely due to the accident." He said, looking at me. Now it makes sense why she has the same eyes as Aeden. Sarah has them too.

"Sarah hasn't been able to face Olivia for a long time. She can't help but feel guilty because she was the one who insisted Cameron take her out for dinner. She regrets being pushy that night. Despite my best attempts to unite the mother and daughter, she won't budge. Sarah hasn't been the same after Cameron's death. She has grown extremely emotionally and has been living alone. I wasn't able to help her. The trauma is still fresh in her mind. She relives it over and over again" He said looking down. The helplessness and desperation to help his sister are evident in his blue orbs.

"Then there was little, Olivia. If my mom found out about Sarah, it would have definitely complicated her health. That was sometime when my mom lost her only friend. She had been affected by dad's death and followed by this, she couldn't have handled it. So I did the only thing that came to my mind, I started dealing drugs to help support Sarah and Olivia. Could have asked my mother for the money, but she would have found out one way or the other. She was very tight and strict about what we did."

"I disappeared, taking the newborn with me, leaving Sarah with Pearl. I came to Sicily, where Eric helped me out in finding a job and a nanny for Olivia. The job didn't do much and my desperation for money increased. I had a newborn and her expenses and Sarah's medical bills to pay. That was when I first started dealing drugs. For money. But then it became an addiction. The money that I got from just selling a tiny packet, was enormous."

"I and Eric both started dealing it in large amounts and the next thing I know, I'm running the world's biggest drug empire. But with all of the money I have, I couldn't help Oli or Sarah. Oli grew in the hands of various nannies and Sarah slowly learned how to support herself. She was highly dependent on Cliff after she met him during one of her visits with his mother. Cliff's mother was Sarah's physiologist. Soon both Cliff and Sarah grew closer. But later she moved on and was finally able to get back to normal yet couldn't face her child. She couldn't look at her. She still hasn't despite my best efforts." He spoke. My mouth pater in disbelief as I looked at him.

"Now that I think of it, it was one of my worst decisions to hide Oli and Sarah's health from mom. I regret it so much. She always wanted to see her grandchildren grow up but I couldn't even do so much for her. I became selfish. And at that point in time, I never realized when I lost her. I should have been there for her, even Sarah and Oli but I just left them."

I was stunned that he share so much with me. I wasn't expecting that.

"But now," he said as he moved his hand up to my cheek and caressed it while looking at that moment of his hand.

"I have you. And I will not let you go. Every time I lose someone is because of my negligence and I won't lose you. If I have to be selfish for you, then so be it. You are mine, Carla. And you should come to terms with it because I'll only let you go over my dead body." He leaned in and captured my lips.

Cupping the side of my face and taking me by complete surprise, he ravished my lips, hungrily. He was all dominant. I gasped as he moved his hand to my jaw and pinched it. His tongue smoothly slid into my mouth and he skilfully rolled it around, tasting each and every corner of my mouth.

Precisely marking kiss territory with a dominant kiss, he reminded whom I belonged to. I closed my eyes partially and my head hung back a little but he didn't stop kissing me. Raw hunger burned with each stroke of his tongue.

Pushing me down, and moving above me, he placed his knees on either side, straddling me.

My moans were swelled by his vicious lips. I still didn't kiss him back. The battle that was going on within me was wearing me. I did agree to give him a chance, but will I be able to make peace with it? Peace with who my husband is, what he does?

Only time would tell.

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