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Isabelle unlocked the door to see Carla sitting at the edge of the bed with her head hung down. She made her way towards Carla and reached out for her wrist and released her wrists with the help of the keys that Eric had given her.

Isabelle pitied the girl. She didn't understand why Eric was behaving like this with her. Eric wasn't a man who would force or do anything towards a woman but seeing him cuff this girl, her heart ached for her. He even ordered them not to give her any food or water as her punishment.

Isabelle didn't approve of it but she couldn't help but follow Eric's orders. If not for their capo, it was Eric whose orders had to be followed in the house.

She wanted to ask if the girl was fine but she didn't know any English and the girl didn't know any Italian.

"Paolina," Isabelle called out unable to see Carla sitting like a statue. She hadn't moved an inch since Isabelle had entered the room.

Isabelle noticed how fat tears rolled down from her cheek and fell on her bare knee. She also noticed bruises on her body, caused by Eric holding her harshly. Carla didn't even bother to pull her free wrists forward. She just kept it behind like when it was cuffed.

The next second Isabelle gasped audibly when she noticed the ferocious, skin-crawling, disgusting bite that Aeden had given her. As Carla wore a top that was much revealing, Isabelle's eyes watered when she noticed the area above her boobs, which were covers in dark purple bites.

She couldn't help but wonder what this girl had been through to have such marks all over her beautiful body.

The bite on her neck was covered with tiny blots of dried blood and green discolouration. It was hurting Carla but she didn't complain. She was cursing her fate for something like this to happen to her.

"Mio Dio!" She whispered. (Dear god!)

"Mama?" Paolina walked in and stood beside her mother. Isabelle pointed towards Carla's neck and Paolina's eyes widened. Both of them couldn't help but wonder how these marks were missed by them the first time they saw her.

"Chiedile se sta bene," Isabelle nudged her daughter, and swallowing, Paolina placed her hand on Carla's shoulder. (Ask her if she's alright)

"Are you okay?" Paolina asked Carla in her Italian accent.

When Carla made no efforts to reply, she looked at her mother. "Chiedi il suo nome," she said and Paolina just nodded. (Ask her name)

"What is your name?" Paolina asked Carla in her soft voice.

"Carla," her voice was small and hoarse.

Paolina looked up at her mother who seemed to be in pain.

"Come fa a conoscere, Eric?" She told. (How does she know, Eric?)

"How do you know sir Eric?" Paolina asked her moving her thumb in a circular motion on Carla's shoulder.

"I met him once and now he's kidnapped me," Carla replied without looking up. She was just numb. She didn't know why Eric kidnapped her.

"Do you want something to eat? We can get you something before sir Eric comes back to take you shopping," Paolina tried to sound positive but the vibe in the room was too quiet and negative enough for that to sound positive.

"I want to go back home," Carla said despite knowing she couldn't. She didn't have a passport or the money to pay for the flight.

"I'm sorry," Paolina said truthfully. It hurt her to see Carla like this but she couldn't go against Eric's orders.

Carla just nodded in response.

Over the past few hours, she was locked in the room, she felt helpless. In a foreign country without knowing the language, she was caged. She tried jumping out of the window and run, but the walls were too high for her liking and she would easily break a bone or two.

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