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She took the tiny pill and swallowed it down with the help of water. Aeden could be careless but she couldn't have. She had been taking birth control pills when she learned she actually had sex with him when she was drunk.

Her visions of that night were blurry but she knew what they did. The soreness between her legs was the evidence of it. She wanted to deny it. Oh god! How she wished it was all a part of a bad dream but only it wasn't.

She had stumbled her way to the bathroom, with a throbbing pain between her legs and her head. She only hoped it was her terrible nightmare and not something real. She still couldn't fathom the thought of her being married to a criminal and she definitely didn't want to be taken advantage of or raped by him.

She pulled the robe over her body before staring in front, of the mirror. And just when she stared at her reflection, tears broke free. Her body was covered in bruises, handprints, and bluish-purple hickies. Holding on to the sink, she balled her eyes out. She didn't understand how drunk she actually was to have forgotten so much of what she did with him. Her alcohol tolerance had gotten better over the months but if she crossed the one bottle, limit, she would fumble with her memories.

Drinking the glass full of water, she looked down at the now-empty bowl of cereal and sighed in defeat. She had made terms with whatever her life was now. She knew Aeden would never let her go. She had witnessed the madness and craziness he had veiled behind those oh so beautiful eyes of his.

A lone tear rolled down her eye. What if he had approached her differently?

She wouldn't have accepted him being a criminal, no way, but only if he didn't force her into things she didn't want.

Aeden was definitely not aware of her secretly taking the contraceptives. Heck, she didn't even know how he would react. He never mentioned kids. It was just mad, crazy, and over-the-top sex for him. She would never let a child come into this world knowing its father was a drug lord. There was no way in hell she would give him an heir for his criminal organization to continue.

She didn't want another Olivia, who was rather communed around a bunch of men roaming the house with assault rifles and snippers. It wasn't a healthy environment. It was the worst environment a child could grow up in.

"Carla," She heard the small and soft voice from behind her.

She turned her head to see Sarah standing a few feet away from her. Surprise covers her features as she stared at Carla.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asked, stepping closer and Carla didn't even bother to stand up and didn't reply.

"I asked you something," she said. The slight annoyance in Sarah's voice wouldn't have been missed.

"Breakfast," Carla kept her answer short and up to the point, trying to sound as polite as she could.

"I wanted to speak to you about something," Carla said as Sarah stood before her. Carla knew better than to lash out at a traumatized woman.

"Is it about the money?" She asked and Carla couldn't help but frown. But it soon hit her, she still believed that she was married to Aeden for money. Aeden didn't let anyone know about his crazy obsession, he made sure of it.

The only person who found out was beaten. But it didn't stay hidden for long as Paolina and Eric were the two people who knew that nothing between Carla and Aeden was normal. Isabelle had suspected something after Carla, cried in her arms like a baby, but Paolina was quick to make her believe otherwise.

Paolina, despite knowing the truth, kept her mouth shut afraid of what her capo would do to her and most importantly, Carla.

Paolina would oftentimes speak to Carla or whip her some good food, just so she could take her mind off Aeden. She wasn't the only one who noticed her depressed and gloomy state, Eric did too but he couldn't do anything about it.

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