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"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I cursed out loud when I heard the door bell. I turn around and run my hand through my hair. I swear to god, I'll rip the person apart who tried to destroy the moment between me and my wife.

Clenching my fists, I march out of the guest room and to the main door.

I saw Isabelle walk towards the door.

"Lo aprirò." I say and she turns around and simply bows down in respect and walks out. (I'll see)

I walk to the door frowning. Nobody knows about this place and the people who have the permission, use their keycard. I move to the side table and pull the drawer open and pull my gun out. I move to the door and open it but immediately dodge as the speeding bullet made my way.

I stood upright and shot the man twice on his forehead. I notice the lifeless body of the man fall backwards. I hear the footsteps of my men, who were definitely late. I walk closer to the body and pull the brown envelope he held in his hand.

I tore it open and turned it upside and emptied it as all of its contents drop on the ground. I see a finger roll down and a small letter.

I pick up the letter and open it.

Next will be your wife.

I crumble the sheet in anger and throw it on the ground. How the fuck did he find out about Carla? How did he find the location of this place. This was my undiscovered and one of my safest mansions. He wouldn't have found out about it unless there is a mole around me.

"Prendi Eric e chiama un dottore." I command. (Get Eric and call for a doctor)

I walk inside and head up straight to my study. I bang the door shut as I enter and walk over to the desk and plop on the chair. I open my drawer and pull out the cigar. Placing it between my teeth, I lit it up with the help of a lighter. Tossing the lighter away, I lean back on my chair.

Taking a long drag, I pull it out. I close my eyes and let everything sink in.

No matter how much I deny it, Eric was the man to trust. He was with me from the beginning. He knows what is involved in my business more than anyone. I know I did go over board with punishing him but he deserved it. He slapped my wife. He had no right to touch her.

I left him with her because I could trust him. Little did I know he'd do something like that. When I was away in Paris, for a deal, after leaving Carla here, I told him to protect her. Instead he abused her. No only that, he also helped her run away from me. But I was quick enough to notice his attempts. He gave her a fake passport as well.

And then there is my lovely wife. Who wants to learn it the hard way how to give in. If she is reluctant to sleep with me, I'll make sure I turn her reluctance into a yes.

The telephone in my sturdy rang and I answered it. Placing it back on the receiver after what the man spoke over the line, I crush the cigar and walk out of my study. I head to her room. I see her standing by the window looking out. Something she does more often than not. I wanted to fuck her. I still wasn't over the fact that she refused me, but tonight, I decided to let her go. I did have Eric to talk to.

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