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"Shit!" She exclaimed as she covered her nose with her hands. The smell was unbearable and so was the sight. She had her head turned slightly to the side as it was impossible for her to look at it.

Mustering up all of her courage, she turned to look at the person laying on the ground. It was too disturbing for her to handle it. A strong wave of nausea hit and she ran out of the house pushing everyone aside and went to the side and poured out the vomit.

The more she tried to forget the sight, the more it became disgusting for her. She moved away from there and stood outside the house. She just couldn't go in there again. She waited outside till her associate, Jona came.

"According to forensics, the body has been in there for at least 3 days," he said and she just nodded.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked looking at her flustered face and uneasiness.

"No!" She yelled at him.

"How do expect me to be fine when one of my clients just gets murdered under the broad daylight and nobody notices it?"

"You saw that body right? You saw how brutal that was? He was tortured. There are clear signs of torment. Did you see the person's wrist? His body was covered with blood. How can I be fine! Never in my life have I ever seen such a brutal murder." She said as a new wave of nausea hit her.

Jona noticed that and got her a bottle of water. She accepted it but as she brought the tip of the bottle closer to her mouth, she couldn't gulp it down. What she saw in there had traumatized her and she was going to have a hard time getting it off of her mind.

"Carla, come on drink the water," Jona told her seeing her reluctance.

"Just leave me alone," she said and handed him back the water bottle and walked to her car. Unlocking the car, she got in and rested her head on the steering wheel.

After some time, she started the engine and began driving. Her mind constantly wandered back to the man she just saw brutally murdered. It was too much brutality for her to take.

Caught up in all of her thoughts, she wasn't concentrating on her driving. A speeding vehicle approached her from the other side of the one-way. The car was fast. She only looked up when the headlights hit her face.

She swiftly turned the car to the left and went crashing into the tree nearby. Everything became blurry as Carla hit the tree and jerked back due to the sudden impact. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt to restrain her body. Sharp glass pierced through her right arm.

Thankfully the airbags bloated up and nothing major happen to her face or other major parts of her body.

She whimpered in pain and opened her eyes. She looked around to find herself in an uncomfortable position. She sat up and pushed the door open. She slowly got out of the car dropped on the ground and that is when she assessed her wound. She carefully removed her denim jacket to see the damage.

Her eyes widened at how deep the cut was on her arm. Blood covered her arm. Sighing in defeat, she turned back to her car to fetch her phone. It was getting dark too. She looked around for her phone and finally found it under the passenger side of the seat. She crawled and stretched out her left hand and pulled out her phone.

She tried calling Jona but he didn't pick her call. She tried him a few more times only for the call to go straight to voicemail.

With no option left, she searched her phone for a specific person's number. She thought for a second before tapping on the number. She went ahead and called the number. She bought her phone closer to her ear and swallowed her pain.

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