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Rubbing my eyes with my fist, vigorously, I snapped my eyes open. My eyes came in contact with the now-empty bed. Carla wasn't there anymore. Maybe in the bathroom or having her breakfast. I turned on my back and looked at the wall clock. It was half-past nine. I overslept.

It was the most peaceful and pleasant sleep I had in years now. All because of one person, my queen.

Sleeping beside her calmed my raging nerves and her sweet smell lulled me to sleep. I desperately needed that after the death of my mother, which I was upset about.

Her sweet scent calmed my beasts and tried awakening a part of me I didn't know existed. A gentle side. But I wasn't the gentleman that I portrayed to be. I was a demon walking in human flesh and no one could change that. Not even Carla.

When I returned to the room after my dinner, yesterday night, I saw how uncomfortably she slept on the bed. I changed quickly into my sweats and moved beside her on the bed and enveloped her tiny body in my arms. She fit so perfectly. She was just perfect in every way possible. But I had to let her go before she could realise I was holding on to her while sleeping. She deserved that little time after the little moment of ours during the dinner.

Pushing the covers off of my body, I walked towards the bathroom for a quick shower. Carla wasn't here, so maybe she was having her breakfast. Tugging on the waistband of my sweatpants, I pushed it down and let it pool around my feet before stepping out of it.

The strong smell of soap whiffed in the air. Not giving it much of a thought, I stepped under the shower and turned the faucet letting the hot water pour down.

I sighed as the water relaxed my muscles and I closed my eyes hanging my head back, enjoying the downpour of the water.

How I wish I never made that stupid contract and told her that I'll stay faithful to Pearl even if I meant none of it. Pearl doesn't deserve my loyalty. She should be thrown to sharks for I hate that bitch! The world didn't need a bitch like her anyway.


She was normal or at least that's what I assumed; but how wrong was I. She was a snake. Putting up a front to steal my money. And when a person comes closer to touching my money, I just won't let them go. I had to keep her close, so close that she had no idea that I had already figured out her petty thefts. Over the years she stole over 700 thousand euros, which is something I would never excuse. Nobody gets their hands on my money and gets away with it. Nobody.

I was sure Pearl was potentially going to ruin my marriage and therefore I made sure to keep her as far as I could from my queen. Always away. If they ever met, I was sure Pearl would do everything in her power to hurt Carla. She was a bitch and could do anything for money, even if it meant losing her virginity to me.

One of the reasons why I tried not to mention her name when Carla was around was that my queen would have never given this marriage a chance if I spoke about her. Carla would probably think I was still hung up on a two-faced bitch who did nothing but steal from me. Carla is an extremely selfless woman and I know it because she without blinking agreed to marry me, despite it being not out of love and force. If she was ready to do that, she could also leave me so I could stay with the money-hungry alligator.

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