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Living with Aeden is more complicated than it sounds. My frustration level has skyrocketed because I am around this sinful creature but can't do anything about it.

I try. It's not that I don't try but with him around, it's so hard. We do have different rooms but he's around all the time. He's everything you would want in your man. He's near yet so far.

I stopped twirling the spoon in the chicken soup I was making and took another one to see if I forgot to put the salt in it. I was so occupied in my thoughts, that I'm pretty sure that there is no salt in this soup.

I dipped the spoon in and directly shoved it into my mouth, without thinking it through that it would be hot and I could burn my mouth.

It was hot! Like really hot!

I instantly dropped the spoon and started jumping.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" I whimpered, jumping. Tears gathered the corner of my eyes at the stinging sensation in my mouth. It was really hot.

I was so caught up in whimpering and jumping, that I didn't realise when I got closer to the wall and bumped into it.

"Ouch," I said as I moved to steps back rubbing my nose. The wall was wet. Now, my face was wet because of it.

Wait, why was the wall wet?

I looked up to see a half-naked Aeden standing in front of me. Water was dripping down his hair and he was looking at me with his creased brows. I accidentally looked down his bare chest and shivered. His well-built body and abs were on full display. I gulped looking at his firm and taught chest. My mouth involuntarily opened as I was busy ogling him.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, snapping myself out of my thoughts. 'This is wrong!' I reminded myself and turned around like nothing ever happened.

I rubbed my nose with my palm while my mouth was on fire. I closed my eyes and tried to control my racing heartbeat.

I flinched miserably when I felt a hand was brushed against my hip and lingered there. I moved a step back only to hit his hard chest. He was too close to me. His citrus cologne filled my nostrils and a soft moan escape my lips. Realising what I just did, I bit my lower lip. I should not let him know the effect he has on me.

He pushed me to the counter and pressed himself against me and my breathing hitched at that. I closed my eyes as I inhaled deeply. I felt his warm breath fan my shoulder. I shivered when I felt him move his face up and ever so slightly brush his subtle against my soft cheeks. Heat crept up my entire body and I breathed out shakily. His hold on my hip tightened and heard a low growl?

Did he just growl?

I placed my hands on the counter, trying to breathe. He pushed me up against the counter, making me stand on my toes. His front pressed against my back. My t-shirt was now damp as the water droplets that rolled down from his hair, fell on my shoulders and back.

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