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I got up from the bed and placed my left hand on my lap. A needle was pierced through it. I moved my right hand and pulled it out, whilst hissing in pain.

Aeden was out to get something for me to eat. I guess this was the right time to get out of here.

Placing my legs down on the ground, I got down. My legs did feel a little numb but it'll pass. Aeden had already asked Jane to get me an extra pair of clothes to wear and some of my other essentials.

I walked to the bag, which was on the couch, and pulled out my jeans and a plain black full-sleeved t-shirt. I took it to the bathroom and changed myself out of the hospital dress.

For some weird reason, I've never really liked hospitals. They smell weird and all of the patients suffering here, made my gut churn. I walked back to my bag and pulled the brush out and bushed my hair down, gathered them, and secured a hair tie around them.

I looked at my hands, the right one wrapped in bandages, And the left one had the needle, and since I removed it, a few drops of blood had spurted out.

Wiping my left hand with a paper towel, I looked for my phone in the bag. If I stayed here one more minute, I was gonna throw up.

My feet were covered with band-aids, only were the glass pierced my skin. It was hurting and I was limping but right now, I needed to get out of here.

I took the bag and headed out but I bumped into someone or should I say, my husband?

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked coldly. So I guess the cold and 'I have no feelings' Aeden was back.

He had a tray of food in his hands and I stepped back and looked at him. He was clenching his jaw hard and his grip on the try increased.

"I'm leaving. If you want, you can join." I said nonchalantly and decided to walk from the side but that was my mistake.

He thrashed the tray on the ground as he grabbed me by my arm harshly and pinned me to the wall. I gasped but he seemed least bothered.

"Leave me!" I said as I tried to pry his hands off of me.

"Listen to me very carefully, if you ever try to pull some stupid stunt like this again, I swear I'll not let you be," he said threateningly and held my jaw with his other hand. I gulped looking at him. He looked so scary.

"Am I clear?" He asked as he got more closer to me and breathed out in my ear calmly. I was too lost to realize there was no distance between our bodies. My back was plastered on the wall and my front to his. His body heat radiated and I shivered at our closeness.

"Am I clear?" He husked, licking the rim of my ear. I closed my eyes and bit my lip as his warm tongue touched my skin. I breathed shakily as his breath hit my ear and it felt different.

"Y..y.yes," I whispered and stammered.

For some reason, I knew he was smirking against my neck as he dipped his head lower to my shoulder and kissed me at the crook of my neck. I bit my lip harder and fisted my hands when his lips touched my sensitive spot.

I released a breath I was holding when he slid his arm around the back of my waist and pulled me more closely if that was possible.

He sniffed as he scattered some feathery kisses around my shoulder and neck making me moan involuntarily. The way my body betrayed me when he touched me, this hadn't happened to me before.

I snapped before we got lost in ourselves. This was wrong! What is he doing to me? I pushed him away instantly with all my might. Tears gathered my eyes as I felt exploited.

"Please don't touch me again," I pleaded with tears in my eyes. He looked at me for a second before realizing what had actually happened. He looked at me sorrowfully and nodded. He turned his to the side and cursed while I walked out of the room.

I leaned on the wall outside the room and placed my palm over my mouth to suppress my cries. What's wrong with me? Why do I give in so easily every time he touches me?

I can't do this. How will I live with him for eight months when one day is so difficult. In fact, it's not even a day.

God, please give me strength!

I wiped my tear away when I saw him walk out of the room. "I'll be out in the car," he said in his cold tone and I just nodded looking down.

After calming myself down, I walked out to see the car waiting for me in front of the hospital exit. I kept the bag in the backseat and got in the front seat without looking at him.

He started the engine as I buckled the seatbelt. Leaning my head on the window, I looked outside and tried to concentrate on anything but him. My eyes were dropping and I decided to give in because I knew it would be better for me if I slept. I wouldn't have to think about Aeden.

"Shh... Go back to sleep," He cooed when I was about to open. As much as I wanted to sleep, I flicked my eyes open only to see myself in his arms being carried.

My eyes widened in horror when I realized this wasn't my house and neither it was Nina's. Wait, was this his house?

"I can walk," I interrupted and tried to wiggle out of his hold.

"Don't," he said in a cold, threateningly calm tone and I stopped at once.

He carried me up to a room and kicked the door open and walked to the bed and laid me down gently. I looked at him confused. Why did he do that?

He was about to head out of the door but stopped when I spoke up.


"Why did you carry me here or take me to the hospital? Why Aeden?" I asked him. I saw his body go stiff and he balled his hands into fists.

"You wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for me. I had to make things right." He said and walked away before I could ask him more.

What does making things right mean? What did he mean by that? Once he is normal and the next second, his demeanor changes completely. Is he bipolar or something? Why can't I understand him? And most of all, what's wrong with me when I'm around him?

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