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Eight months ago
I took the drink from the counter and gulped it down all at once looking at the crowd. Too many people for just a firm re-launch.

My eyes roamed around and I practically rolled my eyes at the people trying to stick up to their bosses Asses.

"Enjoying the party?" I looked to my left to see the familiar face of Cliff leaning back on the counter while he gulped down the vodka.

"I have no clue why we were insisted to be here," I replied nonchalantly.

"Did you think over the offer?" I asked Cliff. I was trying to buy some of his properties.

It is a perfect place to hide all of my drugs. No one would have any idea. The remote location of these mansions by the island was something no one could expect. Little renovation and it could turn into nice restaurants to engage the tourists who come to visit the beaches.

I had been looking for some wear houses to hide my supplies. Just a few in Paris and Italy weren't enough. I wanted another two or so locations so I could have easy access to transportation throughout the world. Sure, I had many small hideouts but the major ones were in Paris and Italy.

"I did but I don't think I want to sell them," Cliff answered stiffly.

The only problem between the mansions and I, Cliff. It wasn't until long I realized that it was Cliff who owned those properties. He had been a complete pain in the ass. He wasn't budging. No matter how much I offered him, he still wouldn't agree. For once, I just wanted to punch him till he signed those papers but I couldn't. He was a long-time accomplice and I would tamper my reputation.

Fisting my hands and clenching my jaw, so I don't kill this fucker right here and right now, I turned away, only to find Eric whispering something in a blonde's ear.

He just couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
Eric has been my long-time friend and nobody knows me better than he does. In fact, he is the only person I can trust. As much as I trusted him with my everything, I couldn't trust him around women. He was the biggest man-whore I had ever seen. With his extremely controversial one-night stands, he was the one man I didn't want around my sister.

"Cliff, think it through. I can increase the offer by ten percent," I said trying to persuade him with money. In the end, everything comes down to money.

"You seem to persuasive. Why do you need them anyway?" He counters back and I turned to him partially and looked at him in the eye.

"Business." That was all I said. Knowing Cliff was a two-faced mother fucker, I wouldn't even let him get the slightest idea of who I was and what I did. Cliff was just as powerful as me in the business world and that is where we had our differences. With his constant need to be on top, everyone was aware of his cruel, selfish, and snobbish ways to achieve anything. He even killed his own father to take over the empire.

"Hmm," he hummed but we broke our stare when we heard the commotion. My eyes landed on the silhouette of women.
Walking ahead to see what it was all about, I push aside the people. I stood mesmerized when I noticed the small frame of the most gorgeous woman.

Dress in a purple knee-length dress, and black heels to match the look, she stood there fuming. Her light black, short, and straight hair just ended above her shoulder blade. Long earrings dangled down from her ears and her luscious lips were tinted into a nude lipstick. Her glassy blue eyes hardened at the man who stood before her.

She looked breathtaking.

Her one hand was balled into a fist, while the other had an empty glass of wine while its contents were poured down on the man in front of her.

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