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She fell backward, and let her eyes droop. Before she could land a harsh hit to the ground, strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to a strong chest.

She was hoisted up and carried out in bridal style. But as soon as the blood from her thigh dripped oh his arm he paused to look. When he noticed the dripping red liquid, anger burned through.

With a low growl, he pressed her tightly and protectively against his body and marched out to his car, not caring about the way men moved in and out of the building.

He carefully placed her on the passenger seat and moved to the other side. He noticed, Pearl, standing by the paramedics. She passed him a small smile and he returned it with a nod, pursing his lips.

He sat in and stole one last glance at the woman resting on the passenger seat before driving off.

The constant and loud tapping of foot was heard through the quiet hallway. Occasional huffing was head followed my muffled murmurs.

Sarah paced in a to and fro motion in the hall, muttering something under their breath constantly, looking agitated.

"Bait? Bait? Are you fucking kidding me!" She screamed as she stopped by his face.

Aeden was leaning back against the wall with one of his legs resting back and his hands crossed against his front. His head leaned back and his eyes remained shut. There was a calm look on his face but that was just outward. He was wreaking havoc inside.

"Who uses their fucking wife as bait to get to your enemy, huh?" Sarah yelled loudly gaining everyone's attention.

Eric walked closer to Sarah and tried to take her away but she was quick to shrug his hands from her arms as she glared at Aeden.

"Sarah, just go back," Eric spoke after minutes of silence.

"Shut up and do not interfere. I am talking to him." She snapped at Eric and he raised his hands up in the air, surrendering, and stepped back.

"Come on," She nudged Aeden to continue.

"So she was just a bait? She is a person for god sake."

"Vince I'm disappointed. You can't use her like..." her words were cut short as Aeden glared.

"Says the same woman who abandoned her kid. Tell me Sarah, where were you when Oli needed you? Where were you when she was sick all night because she wasn't a particularly healthy child, unlike others."

"And why do care huh? You don't like her right?" Aeden stepped ahead, glaring at her. She gulped in fear. Looking at his eyes, his murderous eyes, she was scared of him. For the first time, she was afraid of her brother. He looked like the dangerous drug lord he actually was.

"Come on Sarah, everyone how much you despise her. It wasn't her fault yet you said things to her and made her feel guilty over and over again. I stayed away hoping that you'd understand, but no. Why are you here? Now suddenly you like her? Oh please, I don't believe that. Sarah—" he couldn't continue as the door opened and the doctor came out.

"How is she?" Aeden rushed to the doctor.

"She is fine. Her wound will take some time to heal. It was deep, it may affect her ability to walk for some days but after healing, she'd be able to walk normally. I have your wife's reports. Just take extra care, now that she's pregnant and—"

"She is what?!" Aeden asked in disbelief and his voice a little bit louder.

"She is pregnant. I guess you didn't happen to know. We got the results in the tests we conducted when you bought her here. Please be careful and congratulations Mr. Beckett." The doctor said rendering Aeden, stunned.

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