Chapter Three - The Shining Beacon

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After the events of the previous night, the time for Beacon Academy's Initiation was here. Thousands of students arrived at Beacon. Some were ready to continue their training as Huntsmen while many were preparing to start up their training. In his office at the top of Beacon Tower, Ozpin watched as the students entered Beacon. As he drinks from his mug, Alucard appeared. 

Ozpin: Alucard.

Alucard: So the time has come once again, my master. The time to train these young minds into becoming Huntsmen. 

Ozpin: You seem rather cheerful, Alucard. What is the occasion? 

Alucard: I see potential in this next batch of prospects. It has been a long time since I've seen such promise. 

Ozpin looked down from his office and nodded in agreement with Alucard's statement. Despite the looming shadow of Salem, Ozpin felt optimistic about the new group of students who hoped to train at Beacon Academy. Among those group of students was Ruby Rose. There were others that Alucard recognized. 

Alucard: Well that's interesting. Pyrrha Nikos from Sanctum Academy. That one has quite the reputation. 

Ozpin: I see your eye for talent hasn't changed in the centuries. 

Alucard: One has to if they are to lead men into war. And when you have waged war for as long as I, finding talent acquired skill. 

Ozpin said nothing as Alucard seemed nostalgic about his past. Soon enough, Glynda Goodwitch entered the room.

Glynda: The students are gathered in the auditorium. 

Ozpin: And not a moment too soon. Come Alucard.

With that, Alucard followed Ozpin as they exited the office. In the auditorium, the students waited patiently while talking amongst themselves. The topics of the many conversations varied from their excitement at attending Beacon Academy to anxiety of what was to come. After a moment, Ozpin entered the stage. As the crowd went silent, Ozpin began his speech.

Ozpin: I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Alucard watched with a smile on his face as he lets out an inaudible chuckle. Alucard always did enjoy hearing Ozpin's speeches. As Ozpin finished his speech, Glynda steps up.

Glynda: You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.

As the students were dismissed, Alucard approached Ozpin while clapping his hands. 

Alucard: A fine speech, Ozpin. I see your....many lifetimes have made you a fine orator. 

Ozpin: I'm glad you approve. While I don't consider it my finest speech, I believe I made my point across. In these uncertain times, the need for Huntsmen is needed now more than ever. 

Glynda became concerned while a big grin fell on Alucard's face. Despite their different reactions to the looming threat, both shared faith in Ozpin. 

Glynda: Whatever may come our way, we'll be ready. 

Ozpin: Let us hope we are ready for when it matters most. 

With that, Glynda exits the auditorium to prepare for the Beacon Initiation. As Ozpin and Alucard were left alone, they began to speak more openly about more private matters. 

Ozpin: I have been getting...disturbing reports. Grimm attacks have increased.

Alucard: Is that it? 

Ozpin: It's not the Grimm attack themselves. It's the circumstances surrounding them. There are rumors of....people leading Grimm. 

Alucard: Like a pack leader?

Ozpin: Something like that. There are unconfirmed reports of these individuals surviving multiple gunshots. There have been no survivors to confirm this.

As Ozpin said this, it became clear of what was going on. Within the rise of Grimm attacks, there were individuals who seemed to be leading these Grimm directly. Not only that, but these individuals appeared to be Vampires or something of that nature. This caused Alucard's grim to drop.

Alucard: These....animals are no true Vampires. They are merely mindless slaves to Salem's bidding. They have neither the understanding nor the intelligence to comprehend what they truly are. If they are indeed Vampires, then they are sorry excuses for them. These pathetic little maggots are not worthy of even the lowest levels of Hell! Immortality is wasted on such trash. I will take pride in eradicating such filth from the face of Remnant. In my time, their corpses would have been the first to be seen in the Forest of the Impaled. 

As Alucard expressed his disgust at these apparent Vampires, Ozpin became silent. As the looming threat of Salem presented new threats, the need to train and protect these Huntsmen and Huntresses in training was needed now more than ever. 

Ozpin: Time is against us, my old friend. It won't be long until Salem makes her move. Until then, we must focus on ensuring that the next generation of Huntsmen and Huntresses are ready for when that threat arrives. 

Alucard: I eagerly await that day, my master. 

With that, Ozpin and Alucard left the auditorium to help Glynda prepare for the Beacon Initiation. But as they did so, the forces of darkness had already begun preparing for their first move. But for now, all Ozpin could do was to prepare for when the forces of darkness made their move. 

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