Chapter One Hundred Sixteen - Destruction

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As Ruby's group moved forward with their plans to evacuate Atlas and Mantle, Qrow and Robyn chased after the Ace-Ops. During the chase, an explosion caused by Arthur Watts allows Harriet, Bree and Vine to get away. By this point, Vine began to have second thoughts. 

Vine: I'm no longer certain this is the most logical course of action.

Harriet: Do you really wanna do this, Zeki?

Vine deactivates his Semblance, holding up a placating hand.

Vine: No, I don't. Harriet, the general is no longer in charge. Ruby and the others have used the Staff. Atlas is falling, but its people will be safe. Unless you--

Harriet slams a fist on the bomb's exterior, her face a mixture of indignation and rage.

Harriet: It's the principle, Vine! It's about loyalty. Clover understood that. Clover would see this through.

Vine: Then perhaps Clover was wrong too.

Harriet: Don't you dare! Clover was... He was...

Suddenly, Robyn crashes an airship against Harriet's ship. Angered, Harriet arms the bomb and kicks Vine out of the ship. Soon after, Qrow uses his corvid transformation to crash through the windshield of Harriet's ship. A fight breaks out between Qrow and Harriet. Harriet kicks Qrow into the wall, who groans in pain.

Qrow: You're making a mistake, Harriet! What happened to Clover, I blame....

Harriet: Shut up ALREADY!

Harriet then uses her speed Semblance to cut the straps holding the bomb in place, and then jumping to tilt the airship. The bomb starts to slide towards the open cargo door, and Qrow jumps in front of it, trying to hold it in place. 

Harriet: Get out of the way!

Suddenly, the ship begins to lose control. Vine uses his Semblance to hold Harriet in place while Elm provides support. 

Elm: Hare, please! Don't do this! They're still evacuating in Mantle!

Harriet: Why can't you just let me do my job?!

Elm: Because you're our friend! And we won't let you go through with this!

Harriet was taken aback by Elm's words as the bomb continues to slide forward. Qrow was shoved out of it's way.

Qrow: No!

Qrow takes out Clover's pin and closes his eyes somberly. The Ace Ops watch in shock as the bomb begins to near the edge of the ramp. Suddenly, it stops, and Qrow and the Ace Ops breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the screen on the bomb says, "INITIATE COUNTDOWN" with the prompt for "YES" being highlighted. Qrow and Harriet look to each other in disbelief.

Qrow: The autopilot's locked! We gotta go!

As Harriet came to her senses, she fell to her knees. 

Harriet: There's no time to make it out of the blast range. I've....killed us all....I'm sorry....

As Harriet says this, Vine walks towards the bomb. In that moment, the Ace-Ops knew what he was planning. 

Elm: can't!

Vine: I can....if it means saving all my friends. Go. I'll take it from here. 

Left with no other choice, Qrow and the others began making their way to Robyn's ship. Harriet tries to reach out to Vine, but Elm restrains her and takes her in Robyn's ship. As Robyn's ship begins to fly away, Vine begins to use his Semblance to create a barrier to contain the explosion. Suddenly, Vine was shot multiple times in the back. Vine collapses to the ground. As he writhes in pain, he looks up to see Schrödinger holding a smoking pistol. 

Vine: P...please.....

Schrödinger turned his attention to the dying Vine. With the timer close to ending, he casually contacts the Major. 

Schrödinger: Herr Major, I've acquired the Atlas Bomb. It's about to blow.

Major: Good job, Warrant Officer, Schrödinger! I have already evacuated our forces from Mantle. Remnant will watch in horror as Mantle is reduced to ash! Deploy the bomb. Unleash Hell!

With a smirk on his face, Schrödinger kicks down the bay doors holding down the bomb. Vine was powerless as the bomb detonated. In a single flash, all of Mantle was completely destroyed. The hundreds of people who were still evacuating were killed in the blast. 


Schrödinger: Don't feel too bad about it. Mantle was going to be blown up anyway. At least here, it's quick and painless. As for you, well....allow me to put you out of your misery. 

Schrödinger aims his pistol and aims it at Vine's head. With a smirk on his face, Schrödinger pulls the trigger and kills Vine. Meanwhile on Robyn's ship, the ship was rocked by the bomb's explosion. Confusion gripped all on board. 

Robyn: What the hell was that?!

Harriet: The bomb....

Elm: But I thought Vine could stop it.....

Before Elm could finish her sentence, Qrow looked ahead and saw Schrödinger. When he blinked, Schrödinger was gone and the ship was soon caught up in the explosion.

Qrow: No.....

Harriet: What happened?! What's going on?!

Ganodi: Millennium....they used the bomb. Thye....destroyed Mantle.

In that moment, everyone was overcome with shock and horror. All felt a great sense of sheer terror as they knew that hundreds of people were killed by the explosion. 

Qrow: Damn it.....

The large floating landmass of Atlas falls onto the now-deserted city of Mantle, engulfed in a large dust cloud. From the cargo ship, Qrow, Robyn, and the surviving Ace Ops watch sadly as Atlas and Mantle are abandoned. Qrow desperately screams out the names of his nieces as he tries to contact them, his expression turning horrified when they don't respond. A large tidal wave appears and engulfs both Atlas and Mantle. The flood continues until both cities have been fully submerged underwater. In that moment, Atlas and Mantle had been destroyed. 

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