Chapter Fifty Five - Known By It's Song

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At the bandit camp, Weiss summons an Arma Gigas and makes it grow, destroying the cage in the process. She quickly makes her way towards Yang, with the now giant Arma Gigas following close behind.

Yang: What is that?

Weiss: Don't worry about it. What are you doing here?

Yang: Well, that's my mom and she can take us to Ruby.

Raven: Ugh.

Weiss: Your mom kidnapped me?!

Yang: You kidnapped Weiss?!

Walter: Why hello, Miss Schnee. What a surprise to see you here. Now where were we? Of course. Do we have an accord or shall I make you the Queen of Nothing?

As Walter tightened the grip of his wires on the bandits in the camp, Raven intervenes. 

Raven: If you people don't keep it together this place will be crawling with Grimm. You've made your point, Angel of Death. Release my people. Now.

Walter: As you wish.

Walter then releases the bandits from his wires.

Raven: Vernal, give the girl her weapon back.

Vernal then tosses Myrtenaster to Weiss. 

Raven: All of you. In my tent, now. 

Yang: Why?

Raven: If you're really going after your sister, then you need to know the truth.

As Raven enters her tent, Weiss took the opportunity to strongly hug Yang. Walter offers a comforting smile to the pair.

Weiss: I missed you so much.

Yang: I've missed you, too.

Yang puts her hand on the back of Weiss' head and hugs back as her summon disappears. The reunion was cut short as they met Raven in her tent. 

Yang: So, what's the "truth"?

Raven: You know, it's better when it's hot.

Weiss: You know, you're really obnoxious.

Raven: The truth is that "truth" is hard to come by. A story of victory for one person is a story of defeat for someone else. By now, your uncle has surely told Ruby and her friends plenty of stories.

Yang: Well, he's never given me a reason to doubt him before.

Raven: That doesn't mean those reasons don't exist. You know, you and your teammates might as well be the poster children for the Huntsman Academies. Your motives vary, but you all enrolled to try and make the world a better place. It's adorable.

At that point, Walter spoke up.

Walter: There is much you do not understand. But what else do you expect from bandit?

Raven: I honestly couldn't care less. Not all of them think like that. Some people are just in it for the money and the fame, but there's even more that are just looking to grow stronger. Your Uncle Qrow and I didn't attend Beacon to become Huntsmen, we did it to learn how to kill Huntsmen.

At that point, the room fell silent. Raven simply chuckles. She then proceeds to tell the group that she and Qrow were sent to Beacon to learn how to properly kill Huntsmen. But what followed was a terrible secret.

Raven: The Creatures of Grimm... have a master named Salem. She can't be stopped, she can't be reasoned with, and she will not rest until Humanity crumbles at her feet.

As Yang and Weiss were shocked by this, Walter had no visible reaction as they already knew. Raven took note of this. 

Raven: Sounds like you already know Oz's little secret. But then again, Alucard alone is proof of Oz's many lies.

Walter: Careful, Miss Branwen. If you know half as much as you think you do, then you know that Alucard is not to be trifled with.

Raven: Seems like all the major players are out. You, Salem, even the Iscariot Organization is out in full force. I wonder what made the Pope so eager to immobilize his forces?

Walter: Perhaps that is a question you should ask them. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to answer your question before they raze your camp and send you and you tribe to face God's judgment.

Raven: And then there's Millennium, the Last Battalion. Seems like Hell itself is about to be unleashed on Remnant.

At that point, Yang became angry. Despite these revelations, it still didn't give Yang the answer she came here for. 

Yang: Why?! Why did you leave me?! Why did you leave our family?!

Raven: I have my reasons, Yang. I'm giving you a choice. Stay here, with me, and I'll answer all your questions and more. We can have a fresh start. can go back to Qrow and join Ozpin's impossible war against Salem, and meet the same fate as so many others. But can you really go back to trusting someone that's kept so much from you? 

Yang: All I care about is making sure my sister is safe.

Raven: Yang. If you side with your uncle, I may not be as kind the next time we meet...

Yang: You weren't kind this time either.

Without hesitation, Raven opened a portal using her Semblance. The portal led to where Ruby and the others were. Yang was the first to walk through the portal. As the others walked through, Raven sighed. 

Raven: I know...

Walter was the last to walk through the portal. Before he walks through, he turns to Raven and offers her a cold warning.

Walter: Let me make one thing clear. If you decide to make yourself an enemy of Ozpin, then no mercy shall be shown. No amount of pleas of mercy from your daughter will spare you.

Raven: Is that a threat, Dornez?

Walter: Not in the slightest. It is a promise. And as a gentleman, I honor my promises. But I will make your death as painless and quick as possible. Alucard on the other hand, will show no such kindness. Food for thought.

With that, Walter walks through the portal. As the portal closes, Raven is left to ponder on her own actions. For now, a reunion between friends and family long separated was on the horizon. 

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