Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two - A Place Of Particular Concern

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As Ruby's group was joined by Hansel Little began guiding the group through the forest. Halfway there, Little snoring in Ruby's hood. Ruby smiles at them while Weiss is trying to swat away an insect with rocking horse legs.

Weiss: Or I guess we could figure it out ourselves.

Blake: At least they got us to this path. We need to hurry. Yang's been down here the longest and we still haven't found her.

Ruby: Weiss, I was wondering... if you fell, then are there others down here too? What happened?

Weiss is silent for a moment.

Weiss: I don't know if anyone else fell, no. I think we should find Yang, if she's even down here. Then we can go over everything.

Ruby: Hansel....did you...did you see anyone else here by chance? 

Hansel: No. When I woke up on that beach, I was by myself. You were the first person I ran into. 

Weiss: That doesn't exactly help us in this situation.

Hansel: I'm sorry if I'm not of any help.

Ruby: It's okay, Hansel. It's not your fault. 

Blake: Yeah. Everything was so...chaotic.

Suddenly, the four hear a roar in the distance. They run up to the top of the cliff and notice a strange, purple, masked creature twitching.

Creature: Seeking... Searching... Scouring... Stalking... Searching... Scouring... Stalking...

Little gasps and hides in Ruby's cloak. The creature hears them.

Creature: Detecting... Listening...

Hansel: that?

Blake and Weiss draw their weapons. Ruby tries to reach behind her, but Crescent Rose is still missing. They keep their distance as the creature faces them. Following their lead, Hansel pulls out his pistol and loads it. The creature then proceeds to charge forward.

Creature: DANGER! DEATH!

Blake jumps forward.

Creature: BITE! RIP! TEAR!

The creature swipes its claw at Blake, but she blocks it with Gambol Shroud. Weiss runs forward to assist, but stops suddenly.

???: I said I wasn't done with you yet!

A large rock is thrown at the creature, who jumps away from Blake after the rock hits them. Hansel then begins firing his pistol at the creature, landing a few shots at the creature. The creature howls in pain as it swats Hansel away. The creature then pounces on Hansel and begins attacking him. It was at this point that Yang intervenes an lands a devastating punch on the creature. At the same time, Ruby and the others join Yang in surrounding the creature.\Creature: Recede... Retreat... Wait... Return.

The creature makes their retreat as it jumps high to the next cliff and disappears into the forest. Weiss and Blake attempt to chase after the creature, but Ruby stops them. 

Ruby: We'll worry about the creature later. 

As Ruby says this, Yang proceeds to help Hansel up.

Yang: You okay? 

Hansel: I'll...I'll be fine, thanks to you. 

Yang pants heavily and ends up kneeling, exhausted. Ruby runs towards Yang.

Ruby: Yang! I–

Yang: Dammit! You weren't supposed to be here...

Ruby kneels down next to Yang.

Ruby: If you thought we wouldn't come for you, then you must've forgotten who raised me.

Yang sighs.

Ruby: What happened to your arm?

Yang: I don't think you'd believe me if I told you....

Hansel: You'd be surprised.

Yang: Who's the kid? 

Ruby: This is Hansel. He was separated from his parents when Cinder attacked. He got knocked off the bridge and....ended up here like the rest of us. 

Weiss: I sort of thought you'd be a little happier to see us.

Yang: I am... It's just... It must have gone pretty bad, huh?

Ruby and Blake look at Yang. Blake looks back at Ruby before they turn to see Weiss beginning to break down in tears.

Ruby: Weiss...

Weiss: I... Everything happened so fast. No one came back from Vacuo to help... And Penny! She-- Jaune tried to help, but... she sacrificed herself!

Upon hearing this, Hansel said nothing as he turned to Ruby. Ruby, wide-eyed, listens to Weiss of what happened, her words slowly being muted out as she continues speaking, but suddenly ends up passing out until she hits the ground. Later, the group began discussing their current situation. It's raining again.

Yang: So, we have no idea what happened to the Relic? Or what happened to everyone in Vacuo? Or where Neo is? 

Blake: Maybe everyone else made it? The last thing I saw was Alucard fighting that....Grimm. Maybe he helped the others get everyone else to safety.

Weiss: I don't know, but I have a bad feeling.

Hansel: I can't be all bad. If I ended up here, then that's mean there's bound to be others too. 

Little is fanning Ruby with a small piece of grass as Ruby regains her consciousness.

Ruby: Neo's here too.

Yang: Hey, are you alright?

Ruby doesn't immediately answer.

Ruby: She attacked me when we were falling.

Blake: Okay. Ruby's weapon is still missing. Yang's arm was stolen. I think we focus on getting everything back, then we can figure out exactly how to get out of here.... Wherever here is....

Suddenly, the rain stops and rays shine on Blake. She walks towards the source of light.

Weiss: But, what if we can't leave? Or, what if--

Yang: What if we're dead? Until you all found me, I thought for sure I was.

Hansel: I mean....I don't feel dead. 

Hansel then begins poking his own arm. 

Blake: I know how it sounds, but....

As Blake pushes away the vines a little, she looks to the giant tree in the center of the land.

Blake: I think we're in a fairy tale.

Peeking over the hill, the giant tree is surrounded by many other unusual environments: a red forest with a red castle, an area of creamy dessert and sweets, a forest with giant colorful mushrooms, among other things.

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