Chapter Twenty Eight - Fall

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After bringing Pyrrha into the fold, Ozpin and his allies prepare for their next move. As everything seemed to fall into place, Alucard and Walter spoke to one another about all that has transpired. 

Walter: I cannot say I envy Miss Nikos. Inheriting such a power is a heavy burden. 

Alucard: Pyrrha Nikos made the choice of her own free will. If she truly felt that she wasn't worthy of such a responsibility, she wouldn't have accepted. But she did. 

Walter: A fair point, my friend. Still, it is....unfortunate that it has come to this. 

Alucard: But it has come to this. Amber lies at death's door and we are holding the door for as long as possible. 

Walter: Had it not been for Mr. Branwen's intervention, the powers of the Fall Maiden might've fallen into enemy hands. 

As Alucard and Walter spoke, they glanced over to a TV which was airing the match between Yang and Mercury Black. They watched Yang fighting Mercury Black from Cinder Fall's team. They watched as Yang mopped the floor with him. It seemed as if Yang had won the match.

Port(TV): What a way to kick off the finals!

Oobleck(TV): Yang Xiao Long wins!

As the announcement was made, Walter smiled at Yang's performance. Suddenly, there was a strange occurrence. Yang seemed to charge at a defenseless Mercury and seemingly broke his leg. The feed was soon abruptly cut. Walter was in a state of shock while Alucard smiled. 

Alucard: Now this just got interesting.....

As a response to this, Walter makes his way to Team RWBY's dorm with Alucard following him. When they reached Team RWBY's dorm, they found General Ironwood in the room. 

Walter: We came as quickly as we could!

Ironwood: Your intervention is not necessary. The matter has been settled. 

Yang: But he attacked me!

Ironwood: Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise.

Weiss: But Yang would never do that!

Ruby: Yeah!

Ironwood: You all seem like good students, and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did... under normal circumstances. What I believe and hope this to be is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline. When you're out on the battlefield, your judgment can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight is past...

It was in that moment that Walter stepped in, knowing something was off about the entire situation.

Walter: How dare you, sir?! You have overstepped your authority! 

Ironwood: That's ENOUGH! The sad truth is, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... you are disqualified.

As Ironwood says this, the room fell silent. Team RWBY was shocked while Walter was enraged. The silence was soon broken by Alucard's laughter. 

Alucard: You are a fool, General. You fail to see the deception that has been laid out in front of you. And now you seek to sully a gifted student's reputation by a lie you cannot see. How you became a general of men is beyond me. 

Ironwood: I will not have my authority undermined. The decision has been made....

Walter: That's not good enough! Have you even attempted to start an investigation looking into these events?!

Ironwood: This discussion is finished. 

With that, Ironwood left the room. Walter was seething in rage. Alucard had not seen such rage from Walter in a long time. After a moment, Walter regained his composure. 

Walter: Miss Xiao Long, I want you to be honest with me. What happened back there?

Yang: I saw him attack me, so I attacked back! You've got to believe me!

Walter: Of course I believe you. Something about all this is out of place. Unfortunately, I cannot reverse the General's decision. As it stands, you are all disqualified from the tournament. But rest assure that I will get to the bottom of this. I will uncover the truth of it all. You have my word. 

Walter bowed his head to Yang as he and Alucard left the room. As Walter and Alucard began walking away from Team RWBY's dorm, Walter spoke with Alucard. 

Alucard: What an interesting display back there, Walter. I haven't seen you get that angry in a long time. 

Walter: Was Yang lying, Alucard?

Alucard: No. I sensed no deception in her. 

Walter: This is a travesty! Miss Xiao Long's reputation shouldn't be dragged down like this. It's unacceptable!

Alucard: The general is a fool. A fool who has no business leading men into battle. Bringing that fool into the fold was a mistake. 

Walter: That may be, but we're beyond that point now.

As Walter says this, Ironwood approaches them. 

Ironwood: I wanted to apologize for what I said back there. I know you mean well but....

Walter: This is a deception and you know it! What you are doing to Miss Xiao Long and her team is disgraceful! They are innocent!

Ironwood: That may well be, but even you must understand that people will believe what they want to see. People will look at that footage and see Yang Xiao Long attacking a defenseless student, deception or not. 

In that moment, it was clear to Alucard and Walter that the matter of Yang Xiao Long was settled much to their dissatisfaction. For now, all Alucard and Walter could do was continue moving forward with their plans. But what they didn't know was that the incident with Yang was only the beginning. 

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