Chapter Twenty One - Vampire Duel

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Inside the Beacon Vault, Luke Valentine loaded his sawed up rifle as Alucard cocked his Casull Pistol. Luke then charges at Alucard with blinding speed. When Luke got close, he aims his rifle at Alucard's head just as Alucard does the same. The two then fire their weapons at the same time, blasting them both away with headshots. For a moment, there was silence was broken by the chuckling of both Alucard and Luke. Luke recovered and began firing his rifle at Alucard, hitting several shots at Alucard. Alucard simply smiles as he fires his Casull pistol at Luke. Luke uses his superhuman speed to dodge the bullets.

Luke: You've never seen anything like me before! I was designed to surpass you in every way! I was born to be your death!

Luke then speeds towards Alucard and aims his rifle at his heart. But before he could fire, Alucard aims his pistol and fires, forcing Luke to fall back. As Luke dodges one of the bullets, it hits a wall, creating a small but powerful explosion. Luke was caught off guard by this.

Luke: A pistol did that? Jesus....

Alucard: Your reflexes are amazing! 

Luke: I told you, I'm completely different than any creature you've faced before! I have the sum total of your vampiric power at my disposal! All of it, and more!

Alucard whistles as Luke begins firing his rifle at Alucard. Alucard continues firing his Casull pistol at Luke. While Luke uses his speed to dodge the bullets, Alucard makes no attempt to dodge them.

Luke: (He's not even trying to dodge the bullets! Does he think he's indestructible?! Everything has a breaking point. He may act like he's not injured, but he's taking far more damage than I am! I can beat him!)

As the bullets stop firing, Alucard slumps for a bit, bloodied and covered in bullet holes. Despite the damage he sustained, Alucard laughs.

Alucard: Yes! Excellent! I haven't had this much fun in ages! What did you say your name was?!

Luke: It's Luke....Luke Valentine!

Alucard: Luke's obvious that your powers are beyond even the highest category of Vampire. Releasing Control Art Restriction Systems 3...2...1. Approval of situation A recognized; commencing the Cromwell Invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent.

As Alucard spoke the words, his body began to change much to Luke's shock. 

Alucard: Now, Luke Valentine. It's time to educate you on how a real Vampire does battle!

Luke watched in horror as Alucard's body begins to be engulfed by an otherworldly substance that is black in core and reddish on its edges. Alucard seems to shed his form and a large dog with shaggy black fur, multiple red eyes, and a large, fang filled mouth emerges from his arm. Seeing this monstrous transformation horrified Luke. The dog then charges at Luke, causing him to scream in terror. Luke begins running away, trying to get away from the dog. As the dog grows, Alucard's hand emerges from the dog's mouth and fires his Casull pistol at Luke, blowing off one of his legs. Luke then begins hopping away, but his other leg is shot off. In desperation, Luke begins crawling away to the elevator to try and get away. But as he reaches the elevator, he attempts to use it, but the elevator was disabled. Luke then turns to see the monstrous Alucard walking towards him. 

Luke: What are you? WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU?!

In the dark composition that was Alucard, Alucard took form and grabbed one of Luke's severed legs.

Alucard: Come on, get up! Attack me! You've only suffered the loss of your legs! Summon up your familiars! Transform your body! Heal your severed legs and stand! The evening is still so young. Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry! Pull yourself together - the fun has just begun! Come on! HURRY!

Consumed by terror, Luke watched as the monster he thought he could kill approached him. 


As Luke lashes out in the manner he did, Alucard was stunned. Stunned at how someone who claimed to be so powerful turned out to be a coward. Alucard was soon consumed with disappointment. 

Alucard: So, I see you for what you really are! You're pathetic!! Nothing but an useless, sniveling lump of MEAT!!

Luke: Shut up! You're nothing but Ozpin's toy! A dog for Ozpin not even fit to call himself a vampire! A...

Alucard: SILENCE!! I'm a dog, then you're dog food.

As Alucard says this, he sends the dog after the wounded Luke to consume him. Screaming in terror, Luke pulls out a pistol and begins firing frantically at the dog to save himself. His bullets do nothing as the dog begins ripping Luke to pieces and eating his remains, leaving a bloody mess. As Luke Valentine was devoured, Alucard begins absorbing Luke's blood. 

Alucard: Was that really all you had? Such a shame I overestimated you. As a Vampire, you were just a pathetic piece of shit. Now you're nothing but dog shit. The one upstairs didn't seem like much, but they're having more trouble with him than I would've expected.

With Luke Valentine take care of, Alucard reverts back to his original form. Once he does so, Alucard begins making his way to the elevator. With the elevator disabled, Alucard transforms into mist as makes his way back to the upper levels of the Beacon Academy to help aid in finishing off what was left of the Valentine Brothers and their Ghoul army. 

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