Chapter Sixty One - Haven's Fate

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After the Battle Of Haven, Blake's forces were able to help secure Haven Academy and save it from destruction. However, what most didn't know was the the Battle Of Haven was merely a stepping stone into a war that no one knew existed. However, Alucard and Walter knew of the threat that was responsible for the attack on Haven. As the White Fang were rounded up, Kali and Ghira met up with Ruby's group.

Kali: The police rounded up the remaining White Fang members. Haven is safe.

Ghira: Unfortunately, it appears that Adam escaped.

Ilia: It's okay. They were the only ones to escape tonight. Those in the White Fang that followed him. Won't support a leader that abandons his people. He won't have their help after this. He'll have no one at all. And the White Fang will be left divided.

Ghira: We've been fighting amongst ourselves for too long. Perhaps it's time for a new brotherhood. A new family for Faunus truly working towards a better world.

Kali: And they'll need a new leader.

In that moment, Ghira became hopeful for the future of the Faunus. For the longest time, Ghira had been plagued by guilt for his perceived failure to prevent the White Fang from becoming militant. Now Ghira felt as if he redeemed the cause. Ghira nods in acknowledgement. Sun peeks behind Ghira and notices his old friends from Beacon, waving to them. He then wraps his tail around Blake to turn her around and have her see her old friends too. She slowly walks towards them nervously while Sun and her parents smile. Yang walks down the stairs and hands the Relic to her uncle. 

Qrow: What happened? 

Yang: I don't know exactly. When I got down there, Cinder was gone, and Vernal was dead. 

Qrow: And Raven? 

Yang: Gone. Qrow: Well, we're all glad you're still here, firecracker.

Walter: You did a good job, Miss Xiao Long. Be proud of yourself. 

Suddenly, Ruby groans and falls to her knees. Weiss catches her.

Weiss: Are you okay?

Ruby: I feel like I should be asking you guys.

They both look up to see Blake approaching them. Yang walks over and drops to her sister's side.

Alucard: Miss Belladonna. How pleasant of you to join us. 

Ruby: So Blake, what're you doing here?

Blake: I... I was gonna ask you three the same thing.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang, share glances with each other.

Ruby: That's... a looooong story.

Blake: Well... I'm not going anywhere.

Ruby: That's all that matters. That we're all here together. Right?

Ruby looks to Yang as she says that. Blake briefly looks away with a sorrowful expression on her face. Yang looks up at her and smiles.

Yang: Yeah.

Blake looks back over to them and smiles. Weiss offers a hand out to her, and the cat Faunus eagerly joins in to first group hug after a long time of being apart. The four girls embrace each other while their friends look on smiling. Qrow, still holding the Relic, then approaches a panting Oscar, who is kneeling on the ground.

Qrow: I don't know how, but we did it, Oz. You okay?

Oscar: I'm alright.

Qrow: Kid?

Oscar: He's resting. Too much energy fighting.

Qrow: Hey, don't strain yourself!

Oscar: No! He had... a message... We must... get the Lamp to...Atlas.....

Oscar groans and falls, but Qrow catches him. He lays the exhausted farm boy on the ground and looks over as Team RWBY finishes their embrace. Qrow then stands back up, and looks to the Relic he holds in his hand. The lamp is seen glowing brightly as the indistinct whispers are heard again. Qrow sighs as Alucard and Walter approach him.

Alucard: How is the master?

Qrow: Kid's exhausted from all the excitement.

Walter: It is a good day. We prevented both Salem and Millennium from destroying Haven. 

Qrow: But now it looks like Salem and Millennium are working together. Salem was bad enough without Millennium. 

Alucard: What fun! I haven't had this much fun in ages!

As Alucard proclaimed his excitement, Qrow became confused. 

Qrow: What happened to Leo?

Alucard: I gave that sniveling little coward his just reward. 

Upon hearing this, Qrow quickly realized what Alucard did. Qrow took a deep breath.

Qrow: We've got a long road ahead of us.

Alucard: Our enemies are relentless. But I will not stop until they are all destroyed in my master's name!

With that, Alucard and Walter prepared themselves and Ruby's group for the next stage of their journey. Meanwhile on the Deus Ex Machina, the Major sits in his private room, watching various news stories. Soon enough, Schrödinger enters the room. 

Major: Just in time, Warrant Officer Schrödinger! What news from the front?

Schrödinger: Cinder's plan to take over Haven Academy was a complete failure. Ruby and her friends utterly humiliated them! Cinder herself was defeated by the Summer Maiden over the edge of the Vault. 

Major: And our forces?

Schrödinger: Massacred by Alucard and the Butler.

As Schrödinger gave the Major the update on the situation, the Major smiles. 

Major: What an interesting turn of events! This is turning out even better than I had hoped! Warrant Officer Schrödinger, I have a new assignment for you. I want you to find Adam Taurus. 

Schrödinger: Are we recruiting him? 

Major: Consider audition. Oh. And inform our agent in Argus that Ozpin's allies are heading his way.

Schrödinger: Understood, Herr Major.

With that, Schrödinger skips off and vanishes. The Major turns his attention back to the news coverages. 

Major: Welcome to this crazy time.....

For the Major, this was only the beginning. His plans were moving forward as he has foreseen it. For now, the Major would bide his time, awaiting the perfect opportunity to strike.  

Alucard: A RWBY StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora