Chapter One Hundred Nineteen - The Ninth Crusade

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As everything transpired in Atlas and Mantle, the Vatican prepares itself for war. At the forefront of these preparations is Enrico Maxwell and the Iscariot Organization. One night, Enrico Maxwell sleeps in his personal chambers. In his dreams, he remembers the day he was brought to the orphanage in Mistral as a young boy. As a young Enrico and a priest make their way to the orphanage, they are greeted by a young Alexander Anderson. 

Enrico(Past): This orphanage is my home now. Father, why have I been brought to this place? Why did my parents abandon me to the Church? Is it because I am a bastard?

As Enrico says this, Anderson kneels to the young boy. In the boy's eyes, he could see anger and resentment for his current situation. The young Enrico tightly gripped his Bible in anger. 

Enrico(Past): I don't need them anyhow! I don't need parents! I don't even need friends! I will become great! And once I've done so, I will have my revenge on all who wronged me! 

Enrico then remembers how he clawed his way to the top of the Vatican's ranks, eventually earning himself the position as the leader of the Iscariot Organization. But despite all of this, Enrico wanted more. And with the combined threat of Salem and Millennium, Enrico saw his chance to further his climb. Eventually, he was awakened by his subordinates. 

Priest: Your Excellency? It's time to wake up. 

As Enrico gets up, one of the priests speaks up. 

Priest: Bishop Maxwell, I am pleased to inform you that Father Anderson and his Paladins are nearly at Vacuo. 

Enrico: Very good. What of Atlas? 

Priest: We....we've received word that both Atlas and Mantle have been destroyed. 

Enrico: What of Ozpin's allies? Or Ironwood? 

Priest: We've lost all communications with Atlas and Mantle. We cannot say for certain whether they've survived the attack.

As the priest informs Enrico of these new developments, the Bishop smirks at Atlas's fate. 

Enrico: Ironwood was always a fool. Now he has paid the price for his arrogance. 

Priest: Atlas has been humbled, Bishop. Not since the Great War has Atlas faced such destruction. The Atlas Military has taken a heavy blow from this attack. The number of dead are beyond estimation. 

Enrico: God has banished them. How they cling to their heresies as their cities burn. It serves them right. They called themselves the Kingdom in the Clouds. Now they burn in the ground. 

The other priests chuckle at Enrico's words, sharing his feelings on Atlas. Soon enough, multiple armored knights bearing various religious insignias approach the Iscariot Organization. 

Enrico: Ozpin's allies, especially the Vampire Alucard are my primary concern. The Vatican is content to let the Major be as they were bedfellows during the Great War. I'm not so forgiving! They shall all know a crusader's wrath! On this night, we reclaim the Kingdoms of Remnant from monsters and pagans for the glory of our Almighty God!

As Enrico says this, the four Papal Armies formed up. Enrico then falls back on his earliest teachings from Alexander Anderson. 

Enrico: I kill the faithless and the demonic, just as you have taught me, Father!

Soon enough, the four Papal Commanders approached Enrico. 

Courlandic Knight: From the Order of the Sword of Courland, I pledge unto thee 340 souls! 
Spanish Knight: From the Order of Calatrava La Nueva, I pledge 118 souls unto thee! 
Tuscan Knight: The Order of Santo Stefano Di Tuscana pledges 257 souls unto thee! 
Maltese Knight: And, from the Order of Malta, 2,457 souls!

Enrico chuckles coldly and walks forward to inspect the troops; the army and their four commanders kneel. 

Maltese Knight: The Holy Father has ordered us here. He has promoted you, in abstentia, to Archbishop- as befits your task. Congratulations, Your Grace. We, the faithful, here assembled, form Knights of the Ninth Crusade. We are yours to command, Archbishop Maxwell.

The Maltese Knight then offers Maxwell an Archbishop's sash.

Maltese Knight: Employ us as you will.

Barely controlling his savage glee, Maxwell takes the sash and drapes it around his shoulders. All those years of clawing his way through the Papal ranks had finally paid off. He was now officially the leader of not only the Iscariot Organization, but the leader of the Ninth Crusade. 

Enrico: Amen! I accept this with all my being! Your first target is Vacuo- destroy it! Let this new era of Holy might, this Reconquista- now begin!

Priest: And what of Ozpin's allies? Won't they intervene? And what of Alucard?

Enrico: Let him come. Ozpin, Salem, Millennium and Alucard alike will perish at our feet. The Lord will use us as a cudgel to lay his foes in the dust. Now, go- our time as the tool of God's Holy BEGUN!

As Enrico says this, Vatican gunships begin lifting off and flying towards Vacuo. The Papal Knights of the Ninth Crusade marched forth with fanatical zeal. 

Priest: Look at them- everyone, charging into Hell with a joyous heart! What man among them can enter such carnage, and hope to return alive?! They're going to die, all of them- and they'll thank God for the battle!

Enrico: They go because God wills them too. And they shall not march alone. I will joined them! I, Enrico Maxwell, Archbishop of the Vatican shall lead these noble crusaders into battle! We shall strike down our enemies, sinners, pagans and demons alike! We are God's Wrath!

In that moment, Enrico Maxwell rallied his forces and marched on Vacuo. The Ninth Crusade had begun. 

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