Chapter Forty Nine - Players & Pieces

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After the events of the Fall of Beacon, the Iscariot Organization under the direct orders from the Pope are ordered to investigate any and all possible leads on both Salem's cabal and Millennium. Bishop Enrico Maxwell personally undertakes the task of rounding up all known and suspected collaborators during the Great War. During one interrogation session, the priest tells Maxwell about the Major.

Priest: That despicable little smirk on his face. That dreadful laugh with his cheeks contorting slightly upwards. He didn't look anything like a Nazi SS officer.

Maxwell: But at the time during the Great War, you all...the Vatican's European General Directorate collaborated with him
and his organization.

Priest: We were forced to collaborate. He was carrying a direct order
from the Führer. The pudgy little man
with the glasses said it as if he were Hell's own commanding officer.

Maxwell: Yes, of course. It's simple. You helped fund the operation. And you knew about it as well. You knowingly collaborated. Forced to? Nonsense. You wanted him to turn
you into a Vampire.

Priest: It wasn't just me! All of us were! They tricked me! Help me! Please, Maxwell!

It was in that moment that the priest broke down in tears. But Maxwell takes no pity on him. As the priest sobs foe forgiveness, a woman wearing the uniform of the Iscariot Organization walks up behind the priest. She then pulls out a pistol and presses it against the back of his head.

Maxwell: God offers no forgiveness to traitors. May God have mercy on your soul, collaborator. Give him his just reward, Heinkel.

Heinkel: May God have mercy on your soul.

Without hesitation, Heinkel pulls the trigger and kills the priest. Once the priest was executed, Heinkel holsters her pistol and approaches Maxwell.

Maxwell: Heinkel, take Yumiko and a squadron of Paladins and regroup with Father Anderson.

Heinkel: As you wish, Bishop Maxwell.

As Heinkel leaves Maxwell alone, the Bishop takes a moment to ponder his next move. While Ozpin was killed at Beacon, he knew of Ozpin's reincarnation. For now, he would bide his time. Meanwhile in the Land of Darkness, Cinder trains under Salem's supervision. As Cinder struggles, Salem steps in.

Salem: Enough.

Salem walks forward while Cinder continues to struggle for normal breathing.

Salem: I thought you were the girl who wanted power. Did you lie to me?

Cinder winces on the force of Salem's question before looking upward. Turning to face Salem, Cinder clearly shakes her head negatively.

Salem: Then stop holding back. If you wish to master your new powers, you must -

Salem is cut off by the sound of heavy doors opening. On the opposite end of the stone hall, a sobbing Tyrian Callows enters. He falls to his knees once in the room, both hands flat on the floor and his head bowed.

Tyrian: I'm sorry. She'll forgive me. Pleeeease.

Tyrian bows again on the last word.

Tyrian: Forgive me...

Salem: Tyrian!

She stands before him. He raises his body but remains sitting on his legs while Cinder rises from the stone floor behind Salem.

Salem: Your task - were you successful?

Tyrian: N-no.

Cinder's eye widens. Salem also looks surprised for a moment before narrowing her eyes and walking away. Cinder watches their leader for her further reaction without looking at Tyrian.

Tyrian: (begging and turning his body to remain facing Salem) But-but hope is not lost! My tail, my stinger... I-I poisoned him, Qrow! He will not be a nuisance to you any longer, no... no longer! I've done that... have I done well? Have I pleased you?

Salem: The last eye is blinded... you disappoint me.

Salem leaves. Tyrian falls forward, wailing. A Beowolf approaches, all focused on Tyrian's negative emotions. It ignores Cinder and leaps upon him. Tyrian sends it away with a single blow and it lands on its back. Still wailing, Tyrian opens his weapons and leaps atop the Beowolf. He slashes at it repeatedly, tears streaming down his face. His wails gradually turn into laughter as he vents his grief into the butchering of the Grimm. Cinder watches, horrified.  As Tyrian butchered the Grimm, Schrödinger enters the room.

Tyrian: You!

Schrödinger: How does Salem tolerate such insubordination? If you were under the Major's command, he would've had you shot.

Tyrian: How are you here, Schrödinger?! I watched the Paladin stick you like a pig! You shouldn't be alive!

Schrödinger: I am everywhere and nowhere.

Schrödinger lets out a giggle as he walks away. Enraged by Schrödinger's words, Tyrian goes to attack him, but he was gone. With this brief interaction, Cinder got an idea of what powers Schrödinger wields. Meanwhile at the Millennium base, the Major was watching various news networks covering the increase of Grimm attacks. The Major watched all this with a smile on his face.

Major: How fares your mission, Warrant Officer Schrödinger?

Schrödinger: Smoothly, Herr Major. Though I regret to inform you that my cover was compromised thanks to Callows.

Major: It matters not. We have what we need, Warrant Officer Schrödinger. The Silver Eyed Girl's powers are novice at best. But our true target is out and about on Remnant.

The Major then glances over to a recording of Alucard's slaughtering Grimm and White Fang soldiers during the Fall of Beacon. The Major watched with sadistic glee as he raised a glass to the footage of Alucard.

Major: A glorious war awaits us, Warrant Officer Schrödinger. A war decades in the making. And once everything falls into their proper place, all of Remnant shall know the pleasure of war.

In that moment, the Major relished in the coming war. All the players and pieces were moving into the proper place in the Major's vision of a grand war. But until the time was right, the Major would continue to bide his time.

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