Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three - Crossroads

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When Hansel, Ruby, Jaune and Weiss opened their eyes, they found themselves at what appears like a rollercoaster of connecting stone pathways, all featuring blue arched doors at the end.

Jaune: Damnit. Welcome to a Punderstorm. A uh... weather pattern that creates a physical manifestation of a mental, or emotional problem. So we appear to be at metaphorical and literal crossroads.

Weiss: How perfectly stupidly Ever Afteran. This place really is the pits.

A hole suddenly appears below Weiss and she falls, screaming. The hole quickly closes.

Jaune: The only way out is to solve the problem... Or wait until the storm passes. Let's just get moving...

Hansel: Where did that hole come from?

Jaune lowers both his hand, and his head, hanging it down. Weiss can still be heard screaming and eventually lands on her back, startling Ruby.

Weiss: Okay. I asked for that.

Hansel: That was...harrowing. 

Ruby: Where's Yang? And Blake?

Jaune: Must've had something bigger to work out.

Hansel: Then I guess there's no point in us standing around. I'm sure we'll find the others.

As they walk, they stop at a crossing sign, displaying a drawing of a Human on the left side, and a drawing of a claw on the right.

Jaune: Y'know this would go quicker if you make up your minds....

Ruby and Weiss chuckles sheepishly; Ruby gives a sweatdrop while Weiss blushes and looks away. They continue walking and seem to pass through one of the doors. Ruby's back is turned but a faint reflection of her mother can be seen.

Jaune: It all happened. Just not the way Alyx said when she wrote it.

Ruby stops and sees Weiss in front of the watery reflection of the destruction of both Atlas and Mantle. Weiss walks away, with a guilty look on her face.

Weiss: So what? She just lied?

Jaune: You idea. I waited for you to fall. For years, but... somebody else showed up first. It was Alyx and her brother, Lewis, two siblings from Remnant. I told them I was from there too. I was waiting for my friends. Once I started helping them, it didn't take long for me to figure out I was in her story. I... was the Rusted Knight. But things weren't always the same as the book.

Hansel: I wonder why Alyx lie. 

Jaune: Something happened to Alyx. She lost all trust in us, started accusing us of things. The more I tried to get the story back on track, the more she distrusted me....

Jaune paused as he thought about everything that had happened up until that point.

Jaune: So...not exactly my favorite story anymore.

Weiss: I'm sorry....

Jaune: The Cat's role in the Ever After. I figured it out later, but the Cat came back for me once Alyx left. When people lose their way here, the Cat... convinces them... somehow. Either to keep performing their role, or... to go to the tree, get a new one. The Cat calls it "healing", but... it's manipulation. The Cat was never helping Alyx or you. Their purpose here is to feed the tree, to keep the cycle going.

Hansel: Just like that? There has to be more than that!

Jaune: Because the Cat took Alyx and Lewis there. Only one of them made it back to our world.

As they continued their treck along the path. The Curious Cat is seen walking upside down, eventually noticing the group.

Curious Cat: Oh how odd. This time you were in the first place I looked, rather than the last!

Hansel, Ruby and Weiss angrily step towards the cat.

Hansel: That's far enough, Cat.

Ruby: Jaune told us.

Curious Cat: Now, I thought there was more to the story. You're accusing me of something. Same page now.

Ruby: You're the one who gives Afterans to the tree. Why haven't you been telling the truth?

Curious Cat: When Afterans get all higgledy-piggledy, I help them return to the Ever After, yes... but you're, not, Afterans! I'm not taking you there to ascend! I'm taking you there because you all have such delightful information for me!

Hansel: And why should we trust you? 

Weiss: You pretended like you'd never heard of the story when you met us. But Jaune had already told you.

Curious Cat: I think ol' Jaune's... maybe a few sand berries short of a picnic these days... Wouldn't you say?

Jaune growls at Cat with his reflection of his past self on the water mirror.

Ruby: What happened when you took Alyx and Lewis to the tree?

Curious Cat: I....I don't know. She had told me she'd take me with her through the door to Remnant, but....she tricked me. Just...just like all of you.

Hansel: You better leave, Cat.

Curious Cat: Thank you for this lesson, Ruby. Rose. Huntress. Hansel. I'll be on my way now. Stay with your friend.

As the Cat disappears, the watery mirrors turn into ice and shatter in pieces. Hansel, Ruby, Weiss, Jaune and Juniper find themselves back in the flower fields. Ruby, completely clueless as to what Weiss and Jaune are staring at, realizing what's happening with a little peep. Blake and Yang are still kissing, Blake holding her leg up. Little is the last to notice and breaks the tension with a gasp.

Blake: Did we miss anything?

Hansel: Aww!

Jaune: Feels like I've been waiting forever for that. Let's go.

Night came after Hansel and Team RWBY and Jaune arrive at his village. It was at this time that Jaune had given Ruby Crescent Rose. Ruby zones out, closely staring at her weapon.

Hansel: Ruby?

Ruby snaps out of her daze and looks up at Jaune before turning to her friends and teammates.

Hansel: Are you okay, Ruby?

Ruby: I'm...I'm fine.

Even as Ruby reassured her that she was okay, Hansel could see that something was wrong with Ruby. The usual hope and optimism seemed absent.

Ruby: Jaune. What did happen to Lewis?

Jaune looks down with a sigh and he turns to Ruby.

Jaune: I think... Alyx traded him to the tree, in order to leave. And then she wrote him out of the story.

Hansel: That's horrible.

Jaune: We should rest up. Good night, everyone.

Jaune leaves as he heads inside his room. Ruby stares down at Crescent Rose in the chest. She then gives a sullen look and shuts the chest containing her weapon. Hansel watched with interest as Ruby and the others went to sleep, ready to continue their journey.

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