Chapter Sixty Two - The White Fang's Salvation

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At the White Fang hideout, members who escaped the battle of Haven Academy began to question the leadership of Adam Taurus after he abandoned the battle. During the Battle of Haven, Adam Taurus had led the White Fang in an attempt to destroy Haven Academy for reasons they weren't given. In reality, Adam was serving Cinder's goals. But when Blake Belladonna arrived with an army of Faunus, the tide quickly turned against them as Adam was forced to flee, leaving a good portion of his troops to either be killed or arrested. Because of this, the White Fang was in a fragile state. 

White Fang Goon #1: I can't believe he turned his back on us. He just....

Suddenly, the doors to the throne room opened. Adam Taurus entered the throne room and glared at the White Fang members.

Adam: Step away from my throne, we have work to do...

White Fang Goon #2: We? Everyone knows what you did. You abandoned your brothers at Haven!

Rage began to seep into Adam. He tightly gripped his sword and gritted his teeth.

Adam: Step. Away. From my...

White Fang Goon #3: We're not taking orders from you anymore! We heard you folded the moment you got sass from the Belladonna girl. I guess she's got more control over you than you....

Without hesitation, Adam Taurus reached for his sword and began to slaughter all present in the throne room. He let his anger fury out as he struck them down one by one. When the slaughter was over, Adam was surrounded by the bodies of his former White Fang brethren. His thoughts soon fell on Blake.

Adam: The Belladonna girl...Blake...

As Adam seethed in his rage, footsteps were heard. Adam turns around to see Schrödinger standing before him.

Adam: I remember you. You were in Vale with Cinder.

Schrödinger: Guten tag, Adam Taurus! My name is Schrödinger, Warrant Officer of Millennium! 

Adam: You better have a good reason for coming here. After what you and your friends did, I should kill you where you stand.

Schrödinger: Don't be so hostile, Adam! Despite what you may believe, what happened at Haven was not my doing. Unlike Cinder and her allies, my commanding officer sees potential in you and the White Fang.

Adam was puzzled by Schrödinger's words. It seemed as if the Cat Faunus expressed support for the White Fang while Cinder and her allies abandoned them.

Adam: What do you want?

Schrödinger: I see potential in the White Fang. You proved yourself by inflicting fear and terror into the hearts of others. My commanding officer thinks that you would make a perfect addition to our team!

Adam: Why should I join you?

Schrödinger: Because I saw what happened at Haven. Cinder and her allies left you and the White Fang essentially to die. Had it not been for her humiliating defeat, I'm pretty sure Cinder would've had you killed. Now luckily for you, the Major would do no such thing! He's always looking for soldiers to recruit for our war!

Adam grew more intrigued with Schrödinger's words. He seemed to respect Adam as oppose to Cinder who looked down on him. However, Adam had his doubts.

Adam: There is division among my ranks. That....defeat at Haven has left many to question my leadership.

Schrödinger: The Major always believed that a good purge is more than enough to put any naysayers in line. 

Adam looked around at the lifeless bodies of the White Fang members he killed. If others within the White Fang saw this, it would no doubt send a clear message to anyone who dared challenge him. However, there was still one thing on his mind. Schrödinger was quick to zero in on it.

Schrödinger: But I think I know what you really want. You want to kill Blake Belladonna, don't you?

Adam: How did you...

Schrödinger: Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man You think you know. 

It soon became clear that Schrödinger sought to recruit Adam and the White Fang to Millennium. However, Adam was skeptical.

Adam: What do you gain out of all of this?

Schrödinger: Millennium will provide all the resources the White Fang needs to wage war against the Humans. The White Fang will have their revenge and the Faunus will finally be on the top of the food chain! You can even get some well deserved payback  on Cinder when the time is right. And to top it all off, you'll be able to kill Blake Belladonna however you wish! I can even tell you exactly where she is! 

In that moment, Adam Taurus saw an opportunity in Millennium. In exchange for his loyalty and the loyalty of the White Fang, Millennium would offer Adam the chance to exact revenge on Blake Belladonna as well as to see the goals of the White Fang come to fruition.

Schrödinger: Well what do you say, Herr Taurus? Do we have a deal?

Adam: Very well. The White Fang shall serve you.

Schrödinger: You have made the wise choice, Adam Taurus. In time, the White Fang will have their chance to wage war as you see fit!. Regroup and reclaim your rightful place as High Leader of the White Fang. For now, you will keep this alliance a secret. But know this, Millennium always remembers it's friends!

Adam: Blake. Where is she? 

Schrödinger: Oh right! How could I forget that? Blake Belladonna is on her way to Argus. 

Adam: I will not forget this kindness.

Schrödinger: Consider this a gift in honor of our new alliance! 

With that, Adam Taurus had pledged himself and the White Fang to Millennium. In both Adam Taurus and the White Fang, Millennium had gained powerful assets for the war to come. 

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