Chapter Ninety Two - Chaos

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As the lights went off at the party, chaos quickly gripped the party as Tyrian Callows began killing the attendees. In a panic, someone elbows Ruby, knocking her down and causing her to hit her head against the side of the stage. In the midst of this chaos, Alucard and Walter readied their weapons as they attempted to find Tyrian. Soon enough, Tyrian attacks Walter. During the scuffle, a panicked civilian pushes Walter to the ground in an attempt to escape, allowing Tyrian to slip into the crowd Alucard fires both his Jackal and Casull pistols at Tyrian, but the chaos makes him miss. During this, Penny activates her night vision and spots Tyrian killing fighting Walter. Penny then readies her Floating Array and aims them at Tyrian.

Penny: Put down your weapon and surrender!

Tyrian smiles as he uses the opportunity to disappears into the crowd. As the lights turned on, the newscaster on the TV announces the election results.

Newscaster(TV): And the winner of the Atlas Council election is....Jacques Schnee!

As the announcement was made, terror and confusion gripped the crowd as dead bodies lie scattered around the room. All eyes soon fell on Penny.

Civilian: It's Ironwood's robot!

Robyn: Penny.

Penny becomes confused as accusations began to fly.

Penny: I...I didn't....

The TV then shows footage of Jacques giving a victory speech. As the civilians began to crowd around Penny, Walter stepped in. 

Walter: Stop this! You are being deceived!

Ruby: He's right! It was Tyrian Callows! He's responsible!

The outraged crowd was not convinced as they prepared to rush Penny. Before they could do so, Marrow stepped in and blocked the crowd.

Marrow: Get Penny out the back, now!

With that, Alucard and Walter along Ruby, Ren and Nora took Penny out the back door and into the alleyway.

Walter: Is everyone all right?

Penny was silent as she processed the situation. Suddenly, the sounds of Grimm roaring and people screaming were heard in the distance. Without hesitation, they run out of the alleyway to see Manticores invading Mantle. A giant TV screen in the background broadcast Jacques Schnee as he gives a victory speech while Mantle's security sirens begin blaring and the street lights turn red.

Ruby: No.....

As the group readied their weapons for the fight ahead, Penny looks upon the group sadly and flies away.

Ruby: Penny, wait!

Ruby's words fell on deaf ears as Penny flew away. As the group attempt to plan their approach, Alucard and Walter looked at a nearby rooftop and could see Tyrian Callows running. Without hesitation, Alucard and Walter readied their weapons and began chasing after Tyrian. Alucard glides up to the rooftop while Walter chases from the ground. Both Alucard and Walter slaughtered any Grimm who dared to get in their way while chasing after Tyrian. Eventually, Walter sees his opportunity and uses his Wires to pull himself onto the roof and join Alucard. They soon corner Tyrian. 

Walter: Tyrian Callows. You've made quite the mess, haven't you?

Despite being cornered, Tyrian maintained his sadistic grin.

Tyrian: Alucard. Walter Dornez. Ozpin's loyal dogs. You have interfered in our affairs for the last time!

Alucard: How ironic that Salem's pet dog calls us dogs. Hhm. What a pathetic little man. 

Tyrian: You cannot stop the will of the Goddess! All shall bow to her in despair! I dedicate my life to the Goddess. Soon, all of Remnant shall burn. The fire has been started. The fire will rise and all shall burn. You cannot stop what is to come. Soon, Mantle and Atlas shall burn. The Divine Mistress has said so. I am an instrument of her will. Blood shall be spilled. You cannot stop what is to come!

Walter: Oh I don't think so. You are in no position to be barking threats at us. 

As Alucard and Walter readied their weapons, Tyrian cackled at them. 

Tyrian: Look at you toy soldiers following orders so blindly. I almost pity you. I dedicate my life to the Goddess. Soon, all of Remnant shall burn. The fire has been started. The fire will rise and all shall burn. 

Alucard: Bold words, dog. Bold words indeed. But only a man can kill a monster! COME, TYRIAN CALLOWS! SHOW ME THE DEDICATION YOU HAVE TO YOUR FALSE GODDESS!

As Alucard bean to laugh manically, Tyrian cackles in turn. Walter became cautious as he readied his wires. 


Tyrian then pulls out two grenades and throws them at Alucard and Walter. Alucard makes no attempt to dodge the grenade while Walter retreated. Alucard was consumed by flames as he continues moving forward. Meanwhile, the explosion knocks Walter off the edge of the building. To save himself from falling, Walter uses his Wires to grab on to the ledge. He then climbs onto the roof to meet back with Alucard. By the time both Alucard and Walter recover, Tyrian was gone. 

Walter: Damn it all. He got away. How embarrassing.

Alucard: What a clever little trick. It seems Salem has found herself quite the loyal dog. 

Walter: This attack is going to be quite messy. 

Alucard: Can you feel it, Walter? A worthy enemy has just arrived on this BORING world from the dark continent. A STRONG, REAL enemy! This is going to be fun! 

With that, Alucard and Walter joined up with Ruby and the others in fighting off the Grimm. Though they were able to fight off the Grimm, there would be serious repercussions for what transpired here. Repercussions that no one would be prepared for.

Alucard: A RWBY StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora