Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven - A Place You Know

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After what transpired in the Manor, Jaune and the others began chasing after NeoCat. It was at this point that Schrödinger appeared before them. 

Schrödinger: Guten tag!

Yang: Schrödinger! 

Jaune: How the hell are you here?!

Schrödinger: Oh poor Rusted Knight. Haven't you realized by now? I'm....

Weiss: Everywhere and nowhere. We get it. 

Schrödinger: Wow, Ice Queen. You should really work on your manners! Didn't they teach you manners back in Atlas....oops. Too soon?

It was at this point that Blake began putting all the pieces together.

Blake: was you....all this time. Hansel....

Schrödinger: About time someone figured it out! I was beginning to think all of you were as dense as poor poor Ruby.....

Yang: You shut the hell up! You keep my sister's name out of your....

Schrödinger: Some sister you turned out to be! Poor Ruby suffered in silence while you did nothing out your feelings? Is this little Kitty Cat more important than your little sister?

At this point, Yang clenched her fists in anger.

Schrödinger: You know it's pathetic when someone like me is able to tell of what Ruby is telling you yet her own family remains blind. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. 

Before she should lash out at Schrödinger, Schrödinger was gone. It was at this point that she took a deep breath. Blake could see that Schrödinger's words had a profound effect on Yang.

Blake: It's okay, Yang. Don't let him get to you. He's just trying to get in your head.

Yang: He...he's right. Ruby....Ruby was hurting...and I didn't do a damn thing.....damn it! DAMN IT!

Blake: Yang....

Yang: We did nothing, Blake. Ruby was hurting right before our eyes and we didn't do a damn thing! She....she's my sister! I'm supposed to protect her! Ruby....

As Yang began to weep, Blake hugged Yang to comfort her. 

As guilt began to set in, the rest of the group began to accept responsibility of what happened to Ruby, Jaune spoke up.

Jaune: I don't understand! Alyx, the Pleasers, now Ruby! What does this place want?

The myriad of the multi-colored leaves from the Great Tree engulfs the group. They find themselves transported inside the Tree.

Blake: What?

Jaune: It's a place you know....

They walk, passing the branches. Weiss pulls one branch off another and becomes shocked to see Ruby, now encased in wood. Yang walks forward between her, looking in both directions before noticing something.

Yang: R-Ruby?!

Yang runs in that direction and stops, standing in front of Ruby's wooden form. She steps forward and places both of her hands on the shoulders of her sister then resting her head on Ruby's. Yang's eyes open as she feels something and immediately begins breaking the branches around Ruby. Jaune and Weiss stare at her as Blake is the last to show up. Jaune notices what Yang is doing and walks towards her, about to place his hand on her shoulder.

Yang: We....we have to get them out!

Jaune: I think I get it. This is how we got here, or... why the Tree brought us here. Acceptance.

Weiss: We've done everything we can. Now it's up to Ruby. Whatever happens next... we have to welcome that. 

A sound breaks the tension as the group looks in its direction. The sound continues as the Herbalist's sculpture breaks, revealing blue butterfly wings. The Herbalist stretches, cracks his knuckles, looks around, then begins to fly towards the sky.

Blake: Maybe....that's not for us to decide.

Blake comforts Yang as she tears up. The wood-petrified Ruby continues to stand solemnly still. Suddenly, a banging sound was heard.

Jaune: What's that?

The sound gets louder, Jaune moving two branches out of his way as he sees a giant, glowing door, wide open. Weiss's eyes widen as Blake steps forward.

Blake: Is that...?

Jaune: Our way home!

At the doorway, the Curious Cat possessing Neo's body is pushed back. They desperately try to get through again, but to no avail. They then notice Team RWBY and Jaune.

NeoCat: Oh, good! You made it...

Weiss: I guess your little plan to get out of here isn't working?

NeoCat: You've always been the worst of the bunch.

Jaune: So Neo can't go through the door...

NeoCat: No. She has no attachments to your world. Nothing to return to. She has failed me... just like Alyx did.

Blake: Like....Alyx?

NeoCat: That cowardly, wretched girl whose story you've been foolishly following all along. The same girl that I followed too. Because she promised me she would bring me back to with her. But in truth, she had no intention of taking me! No, after talking to the Tree, she had a sudden crisis of conscience! Decided she wanted to fix everything that she had broken in the Ever After! Including poor Jaune! So Lewis went, and in the very last moment....Alyx didn't....

Blake: What did you do to her?

NeoCat laughs maniacally, and then uses Neo's body to leap and slam the ground in front of the group. They pick up a piece of wood.

NeoCat: What anyone would do with a broken, useless thing.

Yang: No, whatever happens to Ruby is up to her, not you or anyone else.

NeoCat: Then I'll put you in the ground!

In that moment, NeoCat prepared to battle against the group. But while the group battled against the Cat, Schrödinger watched from a distance. He glanced over to the wooden form of Ruby. He aimed his pistol at Ruby, ready to shoot her. But at the last second, Schrödinger holsters his pistol. For now, Schrödinger would simply observe the battle between Ruby's friends and NeoCat, waiting for the right time to make his move. 

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