Chapter One Hundred Five - Strings

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As the alarm was raised in the Atlesian Command Center, the group found themselves trapped in the room that they were in.

Penny: The pneumatic tubes have all been closed off.

Blake: We're trapped.

May: We passed a hangar. Maybe we can steal one of those ships.

Penny: Wait, we can still succeed. We are so close.

Nora: Hmm....

Two workers were seen walking by. Without hesitation, Alucard lunges at the workers and grabs them by the throat. Just before Alucard was about to kill them, Ruby stepped in. 

Ruby: Stop! They don't....

Alucard: I don't care what these things are! They came here to try and kill us! It no matters what they are. Now they must die! They will be slotted; corpses, let rotten in their graves like filth. This is just the way it is. This is what has to be done! And no one has the power to change that--not god, the devil or you!

As Alucard says this, he throws the two workers against the wall, knocking them out. They soon reached the control room. To their confusion, the room was mostly deserted.

Ruby: Uh, where is everyone?

Penny: This is a highly classified area.

Alucard: The enemy is near. 

Penny: On it!

With that, Penny began accessing Ironwood's terminal using Pietro Polendina's clearance. As she tries to gain access to the Amity Tower, Alucard kept his pistols ready. Once Penny finishes downloading the codes to access the Amity Tower, they prepare to make their escape when they are confronted by the Ace-Ops along with a battalion of Atlesian Knight 200s.

Harriet: Hello, kids. Time to come home now, Penny.

Weiss: So your first time losing to us wasn't enough?

Marrow: We were holding back!

Vine: We have all said some things we regret, but please, hear me out. I know you thought you were doing the right thing when you left with the Maiden power, but Salem is here now. Things have changed.

Alucard: Things have changed indeed. You have all resided yourselves to blindly follow the orders of a fool. 

Harriet: The orders were to bring Ruby and her friends in alive. You on the other hand....

This prompted Alucard to laugh as he aimed his pistols at the Ace-Ops. 

Alucard: Do you really think you can kill me?! The night is still so young! Attack! Attack me with everything you have! Hurry! HURRY! HURRY!

The Ace-Ops took a couple of steps back. Suddenly, the doors shut, cutting Alucard and Penny from the rest of Ruby's group. Despite being outnumbered, Alucard continued laughing.

Alucard: These bullets were designed to kill all sorts of Grimm and monsters.  But they'll do more than enough to send you all to Hell! 

Harriet: You got lucky last time. That won't happen again.

Without hesitation, Alucard fired his pistols at both the Ace-Ops and the Atlesian Knight 200s. The Atlesian Droids were quickly wiped out as Alucard focused his attention on the Ace-Ops. During the fight, Harriet manages to get the jump on Alucard and land a devastating punch which knocks him back several feet. It was at this point that Penny stepped forward.

Penny: Leave. Him. Alone.

Harriet: And what are you gonna do about it, tin can?

Without hesitation, Penny attacked the Ace-Ops. As all this happened, Alucard recovered from Harriet's attack, laughing while he does it. He then joins Penny in fighting the Ace-Ops.

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