Chapter One Hundred Ten - Dark

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Inside the Schnee Mansion, Ruby and the others were processing what had just happened. Their plans to warn Remnant about Salem had been hijacked by the Major's declaration of war. The conversation was soon interrupted by a loud explosion. Everyone rushed out to see a barely conscious Penny covered with neon green fluid lying in at the bottom of a crater. It wasn't long before Alucard crashed next to Penny. 

Penny: Help me....

Without hesitation, Alucard and Ruby's group began moving Penny into the manor. As Penny was rushed in the Schnee Manor. As May tended to Penny,, Klein tended to Nora who had regained consciousness. Suddenly, all power in the manor was shut down. What followed was a loud screeching. 

Ruby: What was that?

Alucard: I will investigate. 

With that, Alucard exited the Schnee Manor to investigate the noise. As he exited the manor, he found nothing out of the ordinary. Mantle looked to the horizon to see Mantle in flames as Millennium cities began bombing the city. He looked to Atlas and saw the same thing.

Alucard: fool. 

Suddenly, a commotion was heard from inside the manor. Without wasting any time, Alucard rushed inside to find Ruby's group attacked by several Grimm. Alucard soon joined the others in combating the Grimm. As both Ruby's group and Alucard battled against the Grimm, the Hound broke into the manor and began chasing after Penny. 

Ruby: Penny!

Without hesitation, Alucard readies his Jackal and Casull pistols and chases after the Hound. As he catches up to the Hound, he uses the Force to blast the Hound away from Penny. Alucard then confronts the Grimm.

Alucard: I'm taking you down, beast!

The Hound: Take. The. Girl.

Alucard was amused by the Grimm's ability to speak. The Vampire then fires firing on the Grimm. As the bullets tear through the Grimm's body, the Hound manages to grab Alucard and knocks him back. He then knocks out Penny and attempts to run off with her. The Hound was soon attacked by Ruby.

Ruby: That's....enough!

Ruby then activates her Silver Eyes and unleashes a powerful light on the Hound. The resulting attack greatly damaged the Hound. The Hound's inner core was soon exposed, revealing the head of a decrepit Silver-Eyed male fox Faunus with unsightly veins covering his face. Everyone was shocked by this discovery.

The Hound: Take...the girl. Take the girl. Take the girl. Take the girl!

As the Hound was about to attack, bullets tear into the Hound, causing him to howl in pain. Alucard continues to fire into the Hound until the Hound was critically wounded. As the Hound was taken down, everyone took a moment to process what they had just witnessed.

Weiss: What was that?

Ruby: That was... a person.

The whole room fell silent as Alucard approached the dying Hound. He looked into his silver eyes, he could see that he was in terrible pain.

Alucard: What a wretched fate that you have been dealt with. A man reduced to a mindless monster.

As Alucard looks into the Hound's eyes, the Hound attempts to lash out and attack Alucard, but was too weak to even move. Without hesitation, Alucard pulls out his Jackal pistol and aims it at the Hound's face. Ruby and the others watched in silence as Alucard pulled the trigger, putting the Faunus out of his misery. Under normal circumstances, Ruby and the others would'be been appalled. But in this instance, it was a mercy. 

Blake: You mean Salem is kidnapping people and turning them into....Grimm?

Weiss: That's....that's horrible.

Alucard fell silent as he looked upon the man's lifeless body with pity in his eyes. He looked at Ruby and could see that she was deeply shaken by this.

Weiss: Ruby? Are you okay?

Ruby: I....I don't know. It's all just... too much. The Grimm, the crater, Nora, Penny.... and now people trapped in Grimm. How do we fix all of it?

Alucard: That....thing wasn't a man. Whatever Salem did to him, she robbed him of all that makes a man. Killing him.....was a mercy. Giving up kills people. When people reject giving up... they finally win the rights to transcend Humanity. "Never give up even if it means death" This will not be the first time you shall encounter death. I can smell it in the air. The aroma of war...Of men being impaled, of women being cut down where they stand. babies burning to a crisp, the elderly being lined up and shot. A bouquet of death. A bloody war. 

As Alucard laments on this, he looks back on his past life as Vlad the Impaler. He could remember the same terror that he once inflicted upon others. 

Alucard: Before our mission is over, we shall face death time and time again. Get used to it. 

As Alucard says this, he once more looks upon the man who had been transformed into a Grimm. As he did so, Alucard suddenly felt something wrong. Ruby was the first to notice a fearful expression on his face. 

Ruby: Alucard?

This was the first time Alucard had shown any kind of fear. Alucard could sense that Oscar was in mortal danger. 

Alucard: Master....

Without hesitation or warning, Alucard transforms into a swarm of bats and flies out of the Schnee Manor. This confuses Ruby's group as Alucard had left without reason. But for Alucard, he could sense that his master was in danger. Acting on his instincts, Alucard rushed to where Oscar was and save him. Little did he know that this would bring him into direct conflict with Salem. 

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