Chapter Thirteen - Dance Dance Infiltration

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In the weeks leading to the Vytal Festival, Beacon Academy decides to host a formal dance. Alucard decides to attend the dance. When he enters the ballroom, he is greeted by Yang.

Yang: Hey, Mr. Alucard! Welcome to the Dance!

Alucard tips his hat as he walks into the ballroom. As Alucard looked around the ballroom, he sees Ozpin speaking with Ruby. 

Ozpin: Not enjoying yourself, Miss Rose?

Ruby: Oh, no, everything's fine! I'm just not much of a fancy pantsy... dancey girl.

Ozpin: Well, you can't spend your whole life on the battlefield, even if you may want to.

Ruby: Yeah, that lesson's been floating around a lot lately.

Ozpin: If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked, although one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot.

Ruby: Or a twisted ankle.

Ozpin: It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.

Ruby smiles at Ozpin's words of wisdom as she walks away to enjoy the dance. After that, he speaks with Alucard.

Ozpin: Alucard.

Alucard: My master. What a splendid affair you put together.

Ozpin: I cannot take credit for this. The credit goes to the students for organizing this dance. I merely gave them the means to do so. Now then, enjoy the festivities, my friend. 

Alucard: As you command, my master. 

Alucard did as Ozpin asked and enjoyed the dance as much as he could. As the dance continued, Schrödinger along with Emerald and Mercury entered the ballroom while Cinder was no where to be seen. During all this, Ruby and Yang looked over the dance. They glanced over to see a dance routine from Team JNPR. They were both puzzled to see Jaune wearing a dress. Suddenly, Schrödinger approached Ruby. 

Schrödinger: Might I have this dance, fraulein? 

Ruby: Um...sure.

With that, Schrödinger pulled Ruby to the dance floor and danced with her. Ruby felt awkward as Schrödinger was leading the dance number.

Schrödinger: Don't be so tense, Ruby! I always had a soft spot for these kind of events. It's an...escape from the madness of the world. With one day of music and dancing, one can forget about all that's wrong with the world.

Ruby: That's a....nice way to look at it!

As Schrödinger danced with Ruby, he glanced over to Emerald and Mercury and winked at them. Emerald soon spoke with Cinder via communicator. 

Emerald: It appears all the dancers have partners.

Cinder(Communicator): How long do I have?

Mercury: You should probably be home by midnight, to be safe.

Meanwhile outside the Vale CCT Tower, a disguised Cinder stealthily enters the building. Back at the ballroom, Schrödinger finishes his dance number with Ruby. 

Schrödinger: Thank you for the dance, Miss Rose. 

Schrödinger grabs Ruby's hand and kisses it, making Ruby blush slightly. 

Ruby: Um....thanks, Schrödinger. It was a nice dance! 

After that, Ruby decided to talk a walk outside. As Ruby walked outside, to see an unconscious guard. Without hesitation, Ruby enters the CCT Tower. At the same time back in the ballroom, Alucard looks up at the Moon. He glances over to see Ruby with her weapon ready. A smirk falls on his face. 

Alucard: What a perfect night....

Following Ruby's lead, Alucard walks outside the ballroom. Inside the tower, Cinder makes her way to the console controls to the tower. As she uploads a program into the console, she is contacted by Emerald and Mercury. 

Emerald(Communicator): A party guest is leaving.

Cinder: Which one?

Emerald(Communicator): Ironwood.

Mercury(Communicator): I guess the general's had enough fun for one night. Should we intervene?

As Mercury said that, the upload was finished. 

Cinder: No. We're done here. 

Emerald(Communicator): Wait a minute. Someone else is leaving. It's that Alucard guy. It looks like he's heading towards the Tower. 

Cinder: This is problematic. Better get out of here. 

With that, Cinder leaves the Tower. As Cinder does so, Schrödinger suddenly appears. He walks over to the console and begins downloading several files onto a flash drive. Upon doing so, Schrödinger smiles at himself. 

Schrödinger: Herr Major is going to love this....

Meanwhile, Cinder begins making her exit, but is suddenly caught by Ruby. 

Ruby: Excuse me? You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that...

Cinder began attacking Ruby by using Dust to form glass crystals and blasts them at Ruby. A brawl broke out between Cinder and Ruby. During the fighting, Cinder gains the upper on Ruby. However, Alucard intervenes by firing his gun at Cinder. 

Alucard: A rat scurrying the night? How pathetic. It will be a pleasure sending you to Hell! 

As Alucard fires his pistols at Cinder, she dodges and forms a bow. Cinder fires three arrows that explode on impact with the floor, Ruby gets pushed back and stumbles on her heels, but manages to hold her ground. One of the arrows hits Alucard in the face and consumes him in an powerful explosion. Seizing the opportunity, Cinder runs off. As Ruby regains her footing, she checks on Alucard. 

Ruby: Mr. Alucard!

As the smoke cleared, Alucard appeared unharmed by the explosion caused by Cinder's arrows. After that, Ironwood arrives at the scene. Meanwhile, Cinder abandons her disguise and arrives back at the ballroom. As Cinder approaches Emerald and Mercury, Schrödinger steps in front of Cinder.

Schrödinger: May I have this dance?

With that, Cinder begins dancing with Schrödinger. 

Mercury: And how's your night been?

Cinder: Mmm... a little more exciting than expected.

Mercury: Should we be worried?

Cinder: Hardly... They'll be scratching their heads long after we finished what we came here for.

Mercury: So then what now?

Cinder: Enjoy the rest of the night. After all, it is a party.

With that, Cinder and Schrödinger completed the first stage of their respective plans for their masters. The infiltration was a success. 

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